Building a StoryBrand—Dr. J.J. Peterson, Chief of Teaching and Facilitation at StoryBand

Have you ever watched a great movie and weren’t quite sure why it was so great? Or have you ever seen some great advertising or marketing and bought something not even realizing you were doing it?

Well, today’s guest, Dr. J.J. Peterson, shares with us about how YOU can build a story brand to share your story with your customers.

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Since 2013, Dr. J.J. Peterson has used the StoryBrand Framework to help thousands of organizations clarify their message in order to grow their business. He holds a PhD in Communication and has spent the last 20 years practicing and teaching communication theory. J.J. has studied C.S. Lewis in Oxford, debated theology with filmmakers at the Sundance Film Festival, directed a documentary, served in marketing and PR for two multinational non-profit organizations, served as a communication professor, and has spoken to thousands of people about creating a clear message. As the Sr. Director of StoryBrand, J.J. travels around the world facilitating StoryBrand workshops and keynotes, helping people grow their business.


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Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (00:01):

You’ve worked hard to build your business and now it’s time to grow. Welcome to the Multiply Your Success Podcast. I’m your host Tom DuFore, CEO Big Sky Franchise Team, and a serial entrepreneur. And the purpose of our podcast is to give you a weekly dose of inspiration and education to help you multiply your success. And as we open the show today, I’m wondering if you’ve ever watched a great movie and you walked away and you said, “I’m not quite sure why it was so great”. Or maybe you’ve seen a great advertisement or commercial. And shortly thereafter, you are buying that product or service and you weren’t quite sure why, what was it about that movie or about that marketing message that motivated you to do something about it.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (00:46):

And our guests today, Dr. J.J. Peterson is going to help us understand why that is as he talks about the StoryBrand methodology and how to build a story brand for your company and how you can create through this marketing and promotion of your own products or services, how you can create a story to share with your customers. I have been following Dr. J.J. Peterson for many years in the company he’s with StoryBrand. I’ve been a big fan, I’ve been a customer of theirs as well. And I’m just so honored and grateful to have him on our show and to share with us some of the wisdom and knowledge that he has on StoryBrand. So let’s go ahead and jump right into my interview.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (01:30):

I’m J.J. Peterson, and I worked for a company called StoryBrand. And what we do is there’s so many companies out there who really have a hard time creating a clear message. They’re all over the place with their messaging and engaging customers. And then many of them are even telling the wrong story in their messaging. So we come in and work with companies of all sizes and help them clarify their message through a story framework, teach them how story works and how to create a clear story and then teach them how to put that in their marketing so that they can engage more customers and grow their business.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (02:09):

Great. Well, that’s a great lead in for my interview questions sheet, because next on the list was to talk about what is StoryBrand? And you gave a little snapshot there, but what is this whole narrative and talking point and dive a little deeper into that if you wouldn’t mind.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (02:29):

Yeah. So I mentioned, I think a lot of companies are telling the wrong story with their messaging. And because what happens is we picture that marketing is going out and selling our product and service. And so we think we have to sell ourselves or sell our product and service. So we prop it up, we make it sound good. And what actually people don’t realize is by doing that in many ways, you can be turning off a lot of your customers. And that is because every one of us, every human being wakes up every day as the hero in their own story, right? We have so many things we have to accomplish. We’re encountering problems along the way. And we’re really self-centered, not in a, and that’s a survival mechanism, right? We’re focused on our own story and how we’re living. So if our customers who are humans, most likely are heroes of their own story.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (03:32):

And we as companies come in and try to make us the heroes of our story, then what we do is we’re actually positioning ourselves in competing stories with our customer. Because really the way it kind of breaks down very rudimentary is we have to win more money and they have to lose, or they have to get a better deal and win and we have to lose. So we were actually adversarial in the way that we are setting up our stories with our customers. And instead, what you need to do is position yourself as the guide in your customer story. So you’re actually in the same story. So you are Obi-wan Kenobi, and they are Yoda. I’m sorry, you are Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda and they are Luke Skywalker. You are Katniss and they are Haymitch. You are helping your customer win the day.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (04:25):

And there’s actually a methodology to this, a formula really of how to create a story that invites your customer in to do business with you versus trying to sell your products, position yourself as the hero. There’s actually a formula because story is very formulaic. And so we teach people that formula. We teach people how stories are built based on ancient, really going back all the way to Aristotle and Plato that are, have been refined over the centuries. Over even today in movies, in the movie theater, we teach people how story works and in its most simple form, if we’re going to write a movie, we may need like 30 to 40 points that go into the movie. But for the most simple version of a story, there are really seven elements. There is a character who wants something who encounters a problem who meets a guide, who gives them a plan that calls them to action, that results in either success or failure.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (05:31):

Those are the seven elements of every good story. And so just to break it down a little bit in every movie, a character wants something. So Jason Bourne wants to know who he is. And it’s always very clear what the character wants. The character can’t want 20 things. They have to want one thing because of Jason Bourne wants to know who he is, open a bakery, do all this other stuff. We were not interested. So the character needs to know one thing. Then the character encounters a problem that gets in the way of one of that thing he wants. So he encounters a villain, he encounters an earthquake. Something gets in the way that creates a problem. And that’s what makes a story really good. If Jason Bourne’s life was easy, it would be a boring story. And then he meets a guide. Somebody who already understands who they are. So the girl who becomes his girlfriend, he meets her, she knows who she is, tries to ground him in knowing who he is. Then that guide and him develop a plan together to figure it out to what to do. There is a moment they have to be called to action. And we know that either they could have a happy ending and he knows who he is success, or he can basically die. He can never find out who isn’t dead. There’s happy ending and sad endings.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (06:56):

Now moving that into marketing, this is a business podcast, so it’s not all about story structure and movies. But if we take those same principles and look at your customer and we identify your customer is the hero of the story. We need to create messaging points on our websites, in our emails, lead generators, everything that invites those customers into a beautiful story that transforms them. At the beginning before they meet you, they are one way maybe they are disorganized by the time they are done with you they are organized. They literally transform like a character in a movie. So we need to establish talking points that invite them into that story of transformation. So we need to answer the question, what is it that our customer wants? And we need to be able to articulate that very clearly. Then we have to be able to articulate what are the problems our customers are experiencing. And those have to be obvious and everywhere in your marketing.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (07:59):

The only reason why somebody is coming to you is because you could solve a problem. So we identify what their problems are. We identify how to position ourselves as a guide in their story. And that’s with empathy and authority. We have to understand their problems and have overcome them for other people. Then we have to give them a plan, a very clear plan for how to win the day or how to do business, how to get started. We have to have clear calls to action, and we have to cast a vision for what life is like if they act or do not. So what happens if they don’t buy our product or service, they continue to experience the pain and struggle they did before. And what happens if they do, then they have success. Their problems were overcome, and they are able to have a beautiful life. So I go in and work with companies and actually break that down, spend two days with them, or we do a live stream, a marketing live stream workshop that we have hundreds of companies come to. And we actually break down each of those elements and we teach companies to create language that will then invite customers into a beautiful story based on those seven elements.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (09:11):

Well, thank you. And by the way, we’ve been to your workshop, we’ve worked with-

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (09:15):


Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (09:15):


J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (09:16):

That’s awesome.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (09:18):

And we’ve worked with one of your guides and have had just tremendous in fact, that’s where we were able to come up with the, actually the title of our podcast and really has been our tagline which is Multiply Your Success, where folks are growing as an entrepreneur, a business owner, and saying, what am I really trying to do? Multiply the success I’ve created. And that’s what franchising helped solve for them and-

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (09:46):

I love it. It’s super clear. See, and that’s thing is when you can identify what it is that your customer really wants and how to cast a vision for that success, and then be able to state it very clearly. Like even when you asked me to be on here we had chatted before, but when you asked me to be on here, it was like, oh yeah, I know what this podcast is about. I know… You just very simply by the name and description. So you’ve… I’m glad that you came through because that makes me happy that you actually were able to use it and clarify your message. That’s so cool.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (10:18):

Well, thank you. Well, and glad that it was reinforced there. So the system works, right?

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (10:23):

Yes, it works, it works. It’s crazy because my background is in communication. So I actually did public relations and marketing for a couple of international nonprofits. I was a communications professor at two different universities. My PhD is in communication. And then I even actually worked in Hollywood and did some film and television. And it just, I was really, I considered myself a communication expert. And then I came to StoryBrand about seven years ago to brand a television show that I had sold. And I immediately fell in love with it because it just simplifies every time that I went to go write an email or create an ad for the nonprofit I was working for, you feel like you’re starting from scratch. And when you actually have a framework that says, “no, no, no, this is what you need to say in a way that invites customers in”. And it works. It’s just repeatable and saves so much time. And so I loved it. And basically it was like, okay, the television show got bought, but then never went anywhere. And so I was like, I want to go do this. I want to teach people how to tell beautiful stories.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (11:37):

Yeah, wow. What a journey to get here and to be here. And the reality is that it works. It just works. And well, you also, in addition to doing StoryBrand now are your coauthor in Marketing Made Simple and running your own podcast called Marketing Made Simple. So talk to us a little bit about the framework here. I found it interesting on this customer journey that you shared, where you go through these three steps of the curiosity, enlightenment, commitment. Can you talk just loosely on that or talk a little bit about that and how StoryBrand all, how it’s all intertwined together.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (12:23):

Yeah. So any relationship you’re in really goes through three phases, curiosity, enlightenment, and then commitment. And so if you’re looking, if you’re trying to date somebody and you see them at a party, you start out by being curious, you might see them and you’re like, oh they, I’m attracted to them. I’m curious what they’re like. Then you maybe hear a story about them traveling to France. And you’re like, I’d love to know more and you just start with that very simple, quick, I’m just curious. You’re not ready to get married, you’re not in, you’re just like, that’s interesting. And I want to get to know that person a little bit more. So then you go on a few dates and you start to become enlightened. You learn more about them. You learn more about yourself through the process. And that period may last for a little bit longer and that, but eventually then you need to move into the commitment phase.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (13:16):

And if you’re not moving towards that, then the relationship starts to grow sour. I used to be a college professor and I would see these kids and they would hang out all the time and do study sessions and walk to class. And I’d be like, “are you guys dating?” “No.” “Have you gone on a date yet?” “No.” “Have you asked her out?” “No.” “Do you like her?” “Yes.” Dude, she’s not going to wait around forever. Like you need to move, you need to make a move and so, and ask her out. So there’s comes a point where you’ve got to ask for that commitment. Well, it’s the same thing in a business relationship is a lot of times too many people come in way too quickly with the commitment option and those are the people who are like those heavy sellers on television, like mattress sellers. Who’s like, I’m crazy Larry. And I’m going to sell this mattress in half and so there’s some people that are on that extreme and then there’s other people who are, never closed the deal because they’re too afraid to push. So they’re like, “well, if you have any questions, let me know.” No, you got to get to the commitment.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (14:27):

So you want to take people through those three phases. So you want to start out by getting them curious about your organization. And we talk about all three of these levels being like a sales funnel, right? That you’re starting at the top. And there is the, where you’re getting people curious and you’re enlightening them as they come down the funnel. And then ultimately they move the commitment phase. And we have said that to create a great sales funnel, you really only need five things.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (14:59):

Now, there could be a lot more stuff involved, but for people who have never done this before in particular or truthfully, I work with companies, I was just working with multi-billion dollar company that we ran this exact same play with them. And it’s, these are the five elements of the sales funnel. It’s a one-liner. So a one-liner is just a, it’s not a tagline. It’s a simple way of explaining what you offer. That gets people curious, that’s it. Simple way, it’s one or two sentences that explains what you offer. That’s the first phase. The second item is a website, just a wireframed website using the right language to create a good website. Then a lead generator then as a sales campaign and a nurture campaign. And each of those moves people through the funnel. So the one-liner and the website really build curiosity. The rest of that, and when I say website, in that same time it mean the header of the website just builds curiosity.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (16:04):

Then as people go tell me more, and they go further down the website that moves them into enlightenment. And then also your lead generator should enlighten them on the problems you solve and the value you offer. And then ultimately the sales campaign. Then asks for the commitment and you send out five or six emails that help people close the deal. And then if they’re not quite ready to buy, then you start sending what we call a nurture campaign. And a nurture campaign really is just continuing to nurture the relationship. So it’s continuing to show value, continuing to solve problems, continue to build reciprocity with your customer and that they may say no to the commitment. So they move back into enlightenment. So you have to enlighten them a little bit more with the nurture campaign, and then you have to move back to commitment with some more sales.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (16:57):

So those are really the five things. And that’s what we talk about in Marketing Made Simple is how to, first you need to create a clear message with the framework. So understand how a good story works and create talking points, what we call a brand script. So seven simple talking points that you will ultimately put in to the marketing. So StoryBrand has really clarify your message and Marketing Made Simple is how to use those talking points in a sales funnel.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (17:31):

Thank you. Very clear, very straightforward, very direct. And you explain it so well and it’s something that for, when folks are tuning into this they will, I’m confident that the audience will hopefully be writing notes, jotting this stuff, and it’s brilliant.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (17:51):

It really is like even the whole podcast and the book and everything is what we say is we honestly believe marketing should be easy and it should work. And that’s what this is designed to do is really take the guessing out and go. Now will there still be some refining and picking the right words and testing with your audiences a hundred percent and you may need to test whether you have to send five emails or 10 emails. There’s a little bit of testing there, but really when you follow this formula, when you invite people into a beautiful story, and then back it up with the talking points over and over in a campaign that has a one-liner website, lead generator and emails, you are going to help invite people into that beautiful story. Because marketing is about memorization. Your job is to get your customer to memorize the story you’re trying to tell them. So some people are afraid to repeat. They want to be creative and they want to be cute. We always say, you can be creative and cute, but not at the expense of clarity. Be clear if you confuse you lose that’s one of our mantras, do not confuse people about what you do. So don’t be afraid to repeat your same talking points over and over and over again.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (19:11):

Great advice. Make sure you’re, anyone listening, boy oh boy make sure you write that down. And well, J.J. now is a great time, as well as any to put you into the hot seat. We make sure before every guest goes that we want to learn a little bit from you and your own experience. So we ask about a miss and make it a multiplier. So the first one we start with is a miss. And is there anything been happening along the way that maybe it was a miss and something you learned from it?

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (19:43):

Yeah, I think you hear this a lot from people, but I never really viewed things as failure just as, unless I don’t learn from it, right? There’s times that I’ve been a victim of something that maybe I don’t quite learn something, but I think almost everything you can learn from. And I would say the biggest, the thing that actually rocked me the most, just very vulnerably was I got hired on to direct a movie. It was a documentary about street kids in Ethiopia. And I had never directed a movie before I had directed small, short things, but I’d never directed a full film. I’d never written a full film. And so I was brought on to direct this movie and it did not go well. The experience the movie ended up doing great, but I did not lead the team well because I did not have confidence in myself.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (20:41):

It was a big thing as I am a leader by committee, a lot of times I tried invite people in. But the way that I did it missed situation is that I was so insecure about my own abilities that I let other people take over. And the vision got lost and my feelings got hurt and their feelings got hurt. And it ended up being one of the most difficult experiences business-wise of my life. And it took me a long time to recover and learn from that. But I did, there was a couple of things that I did learn is, one I learned that I actually need to be a little bit more confident in what I bring to the table and say yes to the things that I’m confident in, be able to kind of step up. And I still probably would say yes to that again, but I would be more confident in my abilities.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (21:34):

I took a backseat and that did not benefit other people. That was really the thing is my, not even humility, but my lack of courage and lack of confidence actually helped hurt the team even more than it hurt me. And so that was a big thing I learned I think in that context. And that, this today it doesn’t affect me at all, in the sense of where that was devastating for me for about six months. And today I’m like, “oh yeah, I survived that so I can survive anything.”

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (22:13):

What a story. Thank you. Thank you for sharing that. And for opening up, I appreciate that. Well, let’s talk about, on the other side of things, what about a make or, that came along the way?

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (22:23):

I feel like I’ve been really lucky and gotten a lot of opportunities. Working for StoryBrand for me is a big make. I get to work with an amazing group of people. And it’s one of those things again, where I’ve had to step into the confidence of what I’m good at, right? Like I know story, I know communication, I know marketing, and there are moments where I am in with, let’s say the US Olympic Committee or I’m meeting with Tempur Sealy mattresses, or these huge brands. And I have, there’s a moment in there that sometimes I start to shrink a little again, because I’m like, and I have been able to step into my confidence in those spaces. And it’s been really fun working with the US Olympic Committee was one of the funnest things. I’m a big Olympic geek, like huge over the top. My world shuts down during the Olympics and I have all these pins I’ve collected. I’ve got, it’s a little disgusting actually. But to be, that was a huge make for me to be able to step into that situation and work with them as a client and become friends with people there and learn more. And that was a big highlight, I would say with my career.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (23:43):

What an experience and an opportunity that sounds a lot of fun. And especially knowing that you love the Olympics what a win?

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (23:50):

Yeah, they knew how much I loved the Olympics, which was well as hilarious. So it was really fun.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (23:56):

Well, the name of the show is Multiply Your Success. So we like to talk about multipliers. Is there anything that you’ve done or used as a tool or personally, professionally that’s helped you in your career or even personally?

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (24:10):

Yeah, to be honest it is the story framework. I know that might feel a little self-serving and talking about it. But understanding how story works changed my life. It genuinely changed my life, both professionally and personally. And one of my favorite things is to multiply that with other people. StoryBrand really started out with about five of us. And Donald Miller who created a framework, was the first person who taught it. Then I was the second. And just today I trained another facilitator to go out and teach this. And so we have about 600 guides, which are certified marketing professionals. So people who can help you create marketing that works. And so we’ve multiplied it in that way. And then also I have about 10 professional facilitators who go out and teach this regularly. And agencies, and it’s just been one of the absolute joys of my life is to be able to give this gift away, give this framework away to people because it’s not only done good for me, but I know it’s done good for them.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (25:24):

And with that, let me expand on that just a little bit from the personal side. And so this is something that’s not really part of the StoryBrand framework, but it started part of story is that there are really four main characters in every good story. Donald Miller talks about this. There are four main characters in every good story, the hero, the victim, the villain and the guide. And the reason those four are in stories is because those four things are in us, right? We play at different times, the hero, the victim, the villain, and the guide. And we may even play all four in one day. And one of the things that has really changed my life is when a victim, no good story is written about a victim because being a victim is meant to be a temporary state. So somebody who is a victim who then changes, they become a hero, but somebody who’s just positioned themselves as a victim in life and in movies, the story is never going to be about them.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (26:35):

And there are so many times when I find myself positioning myself as a victim, there are moments that I’ve been a real victim of things. But for the part it’s me playing the victim. And the victim only exists in the story to make the villain look bad and the hero look good, that’s it. They’re not, there is no good story written about a victim. They go by the wayside. Now the hero and the villain are usually very similar, both share a backstory of pain. And the villain tries to revenge, the pain and the hero tries to redeem the pain. And so anytime I am a victim or I’m struggling with something I have to then from that moment go, am I going to become a villain or a hero in this context? Because the villain would then like attack and hurt people because of my own pain.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (27:29):

And a. Hero works to redeem that for himself and others. And then ultimately the guide is the strongest character in the whole movie, which is why we tell you as a brand to position yourself as the guide, not the hero heroes are actually weak. They’re up and down through the whole movie, through the story, they’re failing, they’re succeeding, but they’re not really strong until the end. The guide is strong all the way through. And the guide works to help other people win, help other hero, help other people become heroes through the process. And so for me, as I’ve studied story, not only has it helped me like grow in my own career and grow our business and grow other people’s business, but it’s also just helped me personally to understand the different roles I can play in life. And if I truly want to be successful, then I really want to play more of the hero and the guide, and obviously much less of the villain and as little as possible the victim. And when I can focus on doing those things, my life is better.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (28:31):

That’s a great summary description and definitely relate to playing all of those characters at some point or another. And like you said, find myself reflecting back. Probably did all four of those already today.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (28:47):

Yes, 100%.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (28:51):

Well, J.J. the last question we like to ask every guest is what does success mean to you?

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (28:59):

Personally success means playing the guide. That really is, I am more fulfilled when I play the guide. And I mean that professionally and personally. My favorite thing is when I spend two days with companies like we do in our live workshop or our live stream now spend two days and walk out of there. And I see light bulbs going on. People have actual tangible tools to help them grow their business. And they’re no longer frustrated and overwhelmed by it because I used to be them. I used to be in that spot. And there really is, everybody always says at the end of those workshops, “aren’t you just exhausted?” And I play that I am, maybe I play a little bit of the victim and go, “oh yeah, I’m so exhausted.” But really I’m so energized. Like when I can give people this, it makes me feel so good. And that is really what success feels like for me, both in business and then in personal life, when I can really help other people become the best version of themselves. That to me is success.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (30:01):

Amazing. Amazing. Thank you for sharing that. And J.J As we wrap things up here, is there anything you were hoping to share or communicate or get across that we haven’t had a chance to talk about yet?

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (30:13):

I think the biggest thing for me in, in the context of story is that it’s actually not as hard as, and story and marketing it’s not as hard as people think. When you understand how story works and how our brains are actually motivated by story and thinking, then you can engage people where they’re at and invite them into a beautiful story. And so I started at the beginning of this saying that so many people are telling the wrong story in marketing because they feel like they have to be the hero and win the day. But when you can just switch it just a little bit and become the guide, then not only do you succeed, but your customers succeed. And that is where you ultimately, for me find the best satisfaction and marketing moves from becoming this kind of what I maybe thought of before I got into it of a slimy, salesy, tricky thing, and moves more into a place where I’m genuinely working to make the world a better place by calling out the best versions of people and helping them become that through our product and service.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (31:18):

That’s amazing. Well, and J.J. how can someone find out more? Where should they go, a website? What can they do to learn more about what you’re doing?

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (31:27):

If people are interested in going through this process and actually like with a coach where you learn how story works, create the seven messaging points for your marketing, and then see how it goes into marketing. We put on about every other month we put on workshops and we’re doing them live stream right now. So you can just do them from your home. And those can be found So it’s two days go through the process where we teach you how to do it. We give you a coach to coach you through the process. So you make sure you’re doing it right, and then show you how to implement it. So, but to sign up for those, but for anybody just interested in getting a few little tips and tricks on improving your website and your marketing go to and you can get some free videos on how to improve your marketing.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (32:23):

Fantastic. JJ, thank you so much for being here. This has been jam packed, a wealth of knowledge and resource. Thank you so much for your time.

J.J. Peterson, StoryBrand (32:31):

Thanks for having me.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (32:32):

J.J. thank you so much again for being a guest on the show. And just as a reminder for anyone tuning in J.J. is a co-author of a book called Marketing Made Simple. If you want to gather some more information on what he’s shared here today, or check him out at his podcast, the Marketing Made Simple podcast. If you want to get a weekly dose of what they’re doing on their regular podcast messaging to talk about the StoryBrand framework that they share. So let’s go ahead and jump into today’s three key takeaways.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (33:03):

So takeaway number one is that the customer goes through three phases when they work with you, he talked about curiosity, enlightenment, and commitment. So how can you then walk your client through that messaging? Well, that’s takeaway number two, you create a sales funnel and there are five things that you need to do to walk your customer through those three phases. Number one is a one-liner, number two is a website, number three is a lead generator, number four is a sales campaign and number five is a nurture campaign. Takeaway number three, I loved when he shared about this miss that he had in early on in his career when he was directing. And he shared that his actual lack of courage and confidence in his own skills and in what he was able in his abilities actually hurt the team. And that’s something we don’t often hear about, but I thought that was a great message. That oftentimes you are more skilled and talented than you might give yourself credit for it.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (34:06):

And now it’s time for today’s win-win. So today’s win-win comes from the story brand framework when J.J. talked about how every person wakes up every day as the hero of their own story. And so as someone who is the hero of their own story, which will be your eventual customer, you need to position yourself as the guide to the hero in their story.

Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (34:35):

If you start mixing things up where you or your company becomes the hero of the story. Well, that sends a conflicting message. And so I think that was a great, great takeaway where it’s going to be a win. When you position your customer as the hero, it sets you up as the guide and it sets your customer up as the hero. And that becomes a win for the customer, it’s a win for you, it’s a win for all the parties involved. And that’s the episode today folks, please make sure you subscribe to the podcast and give us a review. And remember if you or anyone you know might be ready to franchise their business or take their franchise company to the next level. Please connect with us Thanks for tuning in, and we look forward to having you back next week.

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