Have you ever wondered how to make it in show business? What’s the magic to get your hidden talent discovered? This week’s guest, Scott Edwards, shares stories, and some secrets, behind one of the most successful comedy clubs in the United States.
As a Business Entrepreneur, Scott Edwards opened over a dozen companies in his lifetime. From a small construction company to owning a Submarine & Beach Shack to a Disco producer. His Lifelong love of comedy led to producing Live Comedy Shows, TV Series, Concerts; and in no time he opened his first comedy club, Laughs Unlimited. He built this into a chain of the most successful comedy clubs in America. He brings his vast experience working with some of the most famous names in comedy: Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfeld, Bob Saget, Dana Carvey.
**Check out Scott’s Podcast = https://standupcomedyyourhostandmc.com/podcast-show-player
**Scott’s book, “Be a Stand-up Comic (or just look like one)” = https://standupcomedyyourhostandmc.com/shop/ols/products/be-a-stand-up-comic-or-just-look-like-one-a-comedy-career-guide-be-a-stn-up1
**Learn more about franchising your business and Big Sky Franchise Team: https://bigskyfranchiseteam.com/
This episode is sponsored by Big Sky Franchise Team. If you are ready to talk about franchising your business you can schedule your free, no-obligation, franchise consultation online at: https://bigskyfranchiseteam.com/ or by calling Big Sky Franchise Team at: 855-824-4759.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (00:00):
You’ve worked hard to build your business. And now it’s time to grow. Welcome to Multiply Your Success Podcast. I’m your host, Tom DuFore, CEO of Big Sky Franchise Team and a serial entrepreneur. And the purpose of our podcast is to give you a weekly dose of inspiration and education to help you multiply your success. And today is a big day. It’s a day for celebrating. I’m so excited because today is the official one-year anniversary of our podcast. So we’d like to just take a moment and celebrate and thank you, our audience for tuning in week after week and supporting us through this endeavor. What a great year it has been with the ups and downs and the highs and lows and the fun and everything that’s been a part of it.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (00:48):
And as a way to celebrate, I’m so excited to have our guests today, Scott Edwards, who has been in and around making people laugh and cause for celebration for decades. In fact, Scott Edwards is a serial entrepreneur and I wanted him on because he built and created one of the most successful comedy clubs in the United States. And he’s been around some of the most famous names in comedy along the way, Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfeld, Dana Carvey, Bob Saget, and many, many others. And he has a really, really interesting story, including at one point he owned a beach shack and a submarine, a legitimate submarine. So you got to stay all the way to the end. You got to hear this story. It is awesome. So let’s jump into the interview with Scott Edwards.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (01:36):
Wow. Well, thanks for having me. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Scott Edwards. Good to be here. Thank you. Thank you. That’s enough. All right. Perfect. Hey, it’s great to be here. I’m Scott Edwards. I’m a serial entrepreneur. I started my first company when I was 17. My big success was a chain of comedy clubs, and now I’m in a kind of semi-retired state. I own an insurance agency, but I just sold it and I’m staying on as a producer. But the exciting thing is after over 40 years on the fringe of show business, I have a terrific podcast and working on that is my joy in how Tom and I connected. So I’m happy to be here, Tom, and looking forward to your tough questions. You got some very serious people on your show, so let’s see what we can do.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (02:30):
Well, I love it. Well, I appreciate it. And look, I think the show business, it’s always so interesting. I think, just we are all entertained. We all become consumers of some form of entertainment and good comedy and great comedy, it’s just so wonderful. So I’d love to find out why the comedy business? How’d you end up there?
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (02:53):
Well, it’s kind of an interesting story, Tom. Thanks for asking. So, as I mentioned, when I was 17, I started my first company and it was really, I was a night janitor at a motel and I was buffing floors in the middle of the night. And I overheard these two guys in the bar talking about making some money on the weekends, striping lines in parking lots. So I had a buddy that just got a $500 check and had money to buy the equipment. I had another buddy that had a van that could carry the paint and the equipment. And I was the sales guy and had the idea and we started our first company. So I ran A&A Restripe for a couple of years and then sold out. We had a lot of success.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (03:35):
The second company, just to age myself, Tom, and probably twice your age, I was doing disco before the movie, Saturday Night Fever and was spinning records for schools and dances and weddings and bar mitzvahs back in the late ’70s. But the exciting part was after that, I was actually selling life insurance and hated it. I was a young man, 23 years old, a successful life insurance agent and just did not enjoy it. When you’re 23, you’re not thinking about death. And I was on vacation in LA with my then girlfriend, soon to be wife, soon to be ex-wife. And we were visiting a satellite of the Comedy Store, which is famous Mitzi Shore’s club. And it was right near UCLA. And I went in as a tourist. My dad had recommended it. He had a great sense of humor. And that night I saw Dave Coulier on stage, Sandra Bernhardt, and a number of other comics. And on the drive home, the next day I was telling my girlfriend, “Man, Sacramento,” which is my hometown, “really needs something like this.” And this was in early 1980.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (04:57):
And I came back, quit my job, went bankrupt so I wouldn’t have any expenses. I wheeled and dealed my way to the use of a banquet room of a restaurant for free. They got the drinks, I got the door. And I opened up in August of 1980. And what was so exciting was I had made some connections at the Comedy Store and they helped guide me. People like Bob Saget, Garry Shandling, Dave Coulier really helped me develop what would be a great successful comedy club. And I opened in August of 1980. My opening act was getting $150 for the week. It was his first gig outside of Phoenix, Arizona, and anybody over 40 should know the name, Garry Shandling, who had The Larry Sanders show, The Garry Shan Show, he’s done a lot of movies. And he was my opening act. So this was in the beginning of his career. And my headliner was George Wallace. Very funny guy. He had his own show in theater, in Las Vegas for over 12 years. And that’s how I got started. And it was a really fun ride.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (06:10):
Wow. Well, that’s amazing. And it sounds certainly like a fun business, but you got to work hard too, right? That sounds like a lot of work that you’re doing to go into this. So talk a little bit about the effort because I think, at least in my experience when especially live entertainment is done well and really anything is done well, it looks easy. It just looks easy. So, Scott, is it easy?
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (06:37):
Heck no. And I’m being polite there because I’m sure you have an upscale audience. But hey, I got to tell you anything you’re committed to, you’re going to have to work hard on to be a success. In those early days, I was 23 years old and I had negotiated the use of this banquet room of a fancy restaurant in the tourist area of Sacramento. And the deal was, I got use to the room, but they would have banquets during the day. So my job was to go in and break down their banquet, set up my comedy club because there’s lights, sound, staging and different tables. Then I would do the door and seat the people. Then I would MC the show. And then after the show, I had to break down my club because they’d have a banquet the next day. So I was doing that every day for the first year and a half, no staff for the first three months. And I lost money for the first six months, but I was committed.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (07:39):
And I got to tell you, Tom, one of the things not only was I committed as an entrepreneur and a hardworking individual, but it was fun. And I was just having a great time. I got to meet some amazing people in those early days and I had a great relationship and it continues still. And I think that motivated me because it wasn’t money and it was certainly a lot of work, but I could see a future. And I was right, because I ran the club for 21 years, sold it in 2001, but that club, Laughs Unlimited in Old Sacramento is still operating today. It’s one of the oldest clubs in the country. And I failed to mention, Tom, when I opened, it was the 12th, that’s right, 12th full-time comedy club in the entire United States.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (08:34):
Wow. Wow. That’s incredible to think just 12 when you started that and it’s still operating. That’s amazing. Now my understanding here is you started to grow or what happened? So you’re successful, things start going. You come out of this initial beginning, like so many entrepreneurs, you start and it’s just a grind as you’re going through it. And eventually some success starts to happen. And then what happens?
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (09:04):
Well, what happens is the man comes down on you. In reality, the restaurant I was using their space, after the first six months of losing money, it really started taking off. Stand-up comedy was a new form of live entertainment. Sacramento really took to it. And I was doing really well. Well, the owners of the restaurant thought, well, this is pretty good. Who needs this then 24-year-old kid? We could do this ourselves. But the waitress staff really liked me. I treated them well. And they kind of gave me a heads up that I was going to be forced out on a certain date. And they were going to take over the room. And thanks to that heads up and I built up a little money at that point, I was able to build my own club about two blocks away.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (10:07):
And what was interesting was they told me they were kicking me out on a Saturday. I did the show that night. They said, “We want you out in two weeks.” And I said, “Oh, that’s really coincidental because I’m leaving tomorrow and see you later.” So they told me I had two weeks notice on Saturday and on Sunday I told them I’d be gone. And on Monday I moved everything over and on Tuesday we opened up in the new location. And that location was my favorite initial. I got to design and create the room and it was there for the next 15 years. But it was challenging because the people that had the power and the people that had the money wanted to take away my success.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (11:00):
Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Look, that’s a story I’ve heard often in working with entrepreneurs and other business leaders like you that have come through and all of a sudden they’re doing well and the landlord says, “Oh, by the way, your rent is going to double or triple,” or, “Oh, by the way, yeah, we made a deal with some large company, some big box retailer or something. Yeah, we’re going to be actually tearing the strip center down. So your lease has gone. Sorry.”
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (11:35):
well, and I think that’s what makes a successful entrepreneur. You can’t give up. There’s always an answer. Anybody listening, if you run into challenges, stop, take a deep breath and think it through. If you need to sit down with a pad and paper and plan things out because in every situation… And I’ve got to tell you, Tom, I’ve started over 10 companies. I’ve been sued. I’ve been bankrupt a couple of times. I’ve been really wealthy a couple of times. And being an entrepreneur is a ride and I really had a lot of fun with it, but there’s always going to be the challenges and you just have to be strong and resilient to get through those. It’s really an important aspect of a type-A personality, strength and focus.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (12:33):
Yeah. No, I appreciate that. Look, I’d love to talk a little bit about your book by the way. And I love it, Be a Stand-Up Comic: Or Just Look Like One. So [crosstalk 00:12:48].
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (12:47):
Well, we at least should explain, Tom, that when I opened, I told you there was 13, I’m sorry, 12 comedy clubs in the entire country. Stand-up comedy, which used to be kind of in the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s was more of a side thing. Comics were the entertainment between strippers or between jazz clubs and small rooms. They weren’t given a lot of respect in show business. And by 1980, the Comedy Store, Budd Friedman’s Improv, Catch a Rising Star in New York, comedy was catching on. I was really lucky, Tom. I caught that wave. And when I opened, there was hardly anybody doing stand-up comedy.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (13:34):
But I would say by 1985, it was like Starbucks. There was a comedy club on every corner. And what it was, was all the businesses that were doing disco in the ’70s were shifting over, what’s it going to take to bring an audience into my restaurant or to my club? And they were shifting from disco to stand-up comedy. So it went from a very few clubs in 1980 to too many clubs, if you ask me, in 1985, ’86. And then it all shifted again in the mid ’90s and dropped way back down. But I caught that wave and rode it and had a lot of fun.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (14:15):
That’s so great. That’s so great. So in terms of your book that you put together-
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (14:22):
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (14:22):
No. No, that’s okay.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (14:23):
Yeah, I was leading up to that. And I lost my track, Tom. So in the mid ’80s, there was a few what people considered overnight success, Jay Leno, Dana Carvey, Jerry Seinfeld. These guys all of a sudden did The Tonight Show in seemingly overnight. They were making millions of dollars in getting their own shows. So there was a lot of people that thought, well, I don’t need to work for a living. I’ll go into stand-up comedy. It’s an easy gig and I’ll become famous. And they had that overnight success syndrome, right, which doesn’t really exist. All the people I mentioned, worked really hard for many years, unknown to anybody and then got the golden ticket.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (15:09):
So that book, Be a Stand-Up Comic: Or Just Look Like One was written with the idea, the first half of the book was to kind of explain the hard work and difficulties of being a stand-up comic, kind of a reality check for young people. And then the second half of the book was, well, if you kept reading, you might be serious about this as a career. Here’s what you really need to know. So the book was written for that reason and it’s available through my website.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (15:42):
Great. Yeah. And how can people learn a little bit more about that because I think… Look, I know that I have personally never thought of being a stand-up comic. It’s not something that has ever been maybe in my skill set or a natural talent, but it seems like everybody seems to know someone, that funny guy or gal that they’re friends with that really seems to just kind of naturally get the laughs and maybe they’re thinking about it. This could be a great little gift or a reminder to say, hey, I believe in what you might be able to do. So how could they track that down?
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (16:22):
Well, Tom, thanks for asking. The website, www.standupcomedyyourhostandmc.com. I know that’s a long name, but it’s the name of my podcast, standupcomedyyourhostandmc.com. There’s pictures of me with famous people. There’s some great quotes. You can get access to all of my podcast. But the book is there and for a very meager price, I’m happy to send it to you. And Tom, I would say, even though you have not had that itch to get onstage, you’re a performer and everybody… You and I have the gift of gab and that type of personality, but getting on stage in front of a room of strangers is really a good thing to try. Even if you only did it once or twice, I’m sure as a podcaster and professional, you’ve MC-ed or spoken in public, correct?
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (17:21):
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (17:22):
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (17:23):
Lots of public speaking, performing and theater and choir, and all kinds of things.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (17:29):
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (17:29):
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (17:29):
So you know that thrill of being on stage. There’s something that you can’t get in any other way. The adrenaline rush, the interaction with strangers, the humanity that happens in a comedy club is very similar to when you’re hosting or performing in an event. And so I would recommend to everybody that find yourself on stage, whether you’re an MC, a speaker, you want to entertain, you want to play music, you want to be in a play. There’s something about sharing part of yourself with a room full of strangers, the audience in getting back from them a reaction that’s really healthy, fun and something everybody should experience once or twice in their life. But the book will definitely give people interested in any sort of public speaking and stand-up comedy, some guidelines and the website offers a lot of opportunities. But, that’s just some new stuff. Let me share with your audience something that might be a little crazier.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (18:32):
Yeah. Sure.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (18:33):
When I opened the comedy club in 1980, I told you I liked doing start-ups. Once I moved out of that restaurant and had my own location, I had a lot of success. And so I expanded that. At one point I had three comedy clubs, which was unusual. Most comedy clubs are solo. I had one in Stockton and one in East Sacramento. So for many years I was operating three different clubs. And by the way, every comedy club’s also kind of a restaurant. So you have to deal with drinks, food service.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (19:09):
So going to your point about how difficult it is, it’s not just booking and MC-ing the shows. I’m still managing a staff and looking at the bottom line for alcohol and food. And then if that wasn’t crazy enough, Tom, I opened two restaurants at the same time, one, a family barbecue rib joint, and another family pasta joint that had live jazz six nights a week. And if that wasn’t enough, because I’m absolutely crazy as a serial entrepreneur, I opened a new business every 12 months. I opened two art galleries. My mom was an artist. It’s in my blood. And I ended up opening two art galleries.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (19:52):
So the reason I wanted to share that with your audience is that even when you find success, certain people aren’t satisfied with that. You have to keep building, you have to keep growing. And I’m sure it’s the same for you, Tom, but I get the thrill of the startup. There’s so many aspects you have to think about. It’s not just hiring a comic and having a stage to put them on. It’s everything from the bar to the food, to the lighting, to the sound, to the transportation of the entertainers in and out, all these things that you have to think about. And I’m kind of a goofball. That wasn’t enough. I kept going and opening more companies.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (20:37):
Well, I think it’s amazing. And look, it’s a testament that… And really the recipe here while you started running your business in comedy clubs, the same things you were doing that made you successful in the comedy clubs, it transferred to the other businesses that you were starting. Well, this would be a great segue for us here to jump into our formula for the show. And Scott, we ask every guest the same four questions before they go. So your turn in the hot seat.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (21:10):
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (21:13):
And so the first question that we like to ask every guest is, as you started and built all of these different companies and grown, we talk about this idea of a miss. Was there a miss or two along the way that you could share and something you learned from it?
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (21:29):
Well, yes, and I did have a fairly big, but fun miss. I once owned a submarine and that business failed. I actually was involved with a couple of guys and we built and designed a semi-submersible tourist submarine and it was already successful in Hawaii. So I bought one myself and had it in Monterey Bay and it turned out the water was too cold there. And algae bloom was an issue and would block the windows. So the tourists couldn’t see the otters and the fish and the kelp forest. And after a year and a half, that business failed. We ended up selling the submarine to the Wrigley family and you can now ride it in Catalina. But that was a lot of fun, but a huge failure.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (22:24):
That’s amazing. So a submarine business, I love that. I feel like hearing that, it’s like, well, now I feel like I can almost say I’ve heard it all. That’s amazing.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (22:36):
It was a lot of fun and we’ll have to get into it sometime.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (22:41):
Yeah. Yeah. I can only imagine. Well, let’s, on the other end of things here, talk about a make or two that occurred.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (22:51):
Well, as I mentioned a couple of times, I’ve opened over 10 companies and I’ve had success with most of them, but like Emmett Stone said, “Failures are the stepping stones to success.” And the biggest win for me was the comedy. I caught the wave just right. I made a lot of money. I used that money to open other companies. And one of the treats that money and success gave me was that I took some of that to do something just for me. And I owned a beach shack in Hawaii on the Big Island in the town of Kona, the King Kamehameha Hotel. And I had my own beach shack for almost five years.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (23:38):
That sounds amazing. Hopefully you were able to be there frequently or regularly to visit. See it’s one thing to own it, but did you go?
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (23:49):
Right. What I was doing was I really enjoy the islands of Hawaii. And I go over quite a bit. And by opening a business there, it’s all a big tax write off. And I was still young and single. And so working the beach shack with the young ladies on the beach, let’s just say there were some perks to the business.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (24:09):
That sounds like a great, great memory, great time. Well, let’s talk about this idea, the next question is the use of a multiplier. The name of the show is Multiply Your Success. So can you think of a multiplier that you used as you were growing all of these companies?
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (24:26):
Well, I would say it’s funny because my wife and I talk about we sold the comedy clubs in 2001, and we went off to other things. We opened a travel agency, I currently have an insurance agency, because I really miss that business, but one of the things that we took away and we’re very happy to say that the podcast is allowing us to continue is the multiplier for me, was the connections and friendships I made. I am on a first-name basis with hundreds of entertainers from around the world. They’ve spread out, Lois Bromfield in Germany and Arch Barker in Australia. But Yakov Smirnoff, famous Russian comic has his own theater in Branson, Missouri. I had a chance to call him up and just talk the other day. These friendships, these connections to me was the multiplier that not only happened because of my success in comedy, but continue today.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (25:34):
Fantastic. I love that. Yeah. And that ties into, I think your podcast. And so for folks is there… We’ll make sure we link that in the show notes. So if someone wants to tune in, hear these great guests you have, these comics and other entertainers that are coming on your show, we’ll have the link directly to that here in the show notes as well.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (25:56):
Well, thank you, Tom. Yes. Standup Comedy-Your host and MC, whoop, I just plugged it is a great podcast. You can find it in all directories, but yeah, it really has been a joy to stay connected with all these people.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (26:10):
Great. And the final question we like to ask everyone is what does success mean to you?
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (26:16):
Oh, what does success mean to me? I would say that it’s being able to have fun with life. So many people, I don’t want to point fingers, it’s important to make a living and we can all be celebrities, and I feel for the people that work for the county or the state and they’re in some cubicle for 20, 30 years, but for me, entrepreneurship gave me the opportunity to have some wins and have some losses, but it was always fun. And I think that making a living, because I’ve done okay, and having a good time with your life is so important. I’m now 66. I’m starting to step out. I’ll be retired in the next year or so. And I look back and whenever God makes the decision, it’s my time to go, I can say proudly that I had a lot of fun, made a lot of friends and just had a kick-ass life. Oh, sorry.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (27:29):
Hey, you’ve kept it pretty clean here, the whole episode. So I appreciate that. Well, Scott, is there anything that you were maybe hoping to say or share before you go that we didn’t have a chance to talk about yet?
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (27:46):
Well, we didn’t get to talk about what makes a good startup and what makes a good entrepreneur. And let me just share with your audience that one of my best advice would be shut up and listen. Go to the people that are doing what you want to do, ask them how they got into it or what makes them successful. And then just shut up and listen, because people love to talk about what they’re passionate about. And all entrepreneurs, whether it’s a construction company owner, a retail store owner, or a financial manager, if you ask them how they got into it and what makes them a success, they’re going to share it with you. So ask the right questions, shut up and listen. And you’ll learn so much that… I mean, none of my businesses were my idea. I listened to other people and it led me down some terrific roads to success. And I think that’s good advice for everybody.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (28:50):
Well, I appreciate that. Candidly, it’s not any secret, for the audience maybe is not aware of, but part of the reason I started the podcast is so that I can interview other entrepreneurs, successful people and find out what they did, how do they do it and learn from it and then use that as a way to share with others. So you tapped into some of my thinking. So, I appreciate that.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (29:18):
Well, you do a great job on your podcast and it is about sharing information. And we just have to hope that the people who are out there are listening and learning and having a good time.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (29:32):
That’s right. That’s right. Well, thank you so much for being here, Scott. I really appreciate your time. This has been a wonderful interview.
Scott Edwards, Laughs Unlimited (29:41):
Thanks, Tom. And hey everybody. It’s been wonderful. Thank you. Thank you. No, no, no need to stand. It’s been a lot of fun and my pleasure, Tom.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (29:50):
Scott, thank you so much for a fantastic interview. It’s been such a joy to have you on this show. Thank you again for your time.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (29:57):
So let’s jump into today’s three key takeaways. So number one, I really liked when Scott said, “Make sure that you have fun and make money,” not just make money, but you got to have fun because if you’re not having fun, what’s the point? So I loved that when he said it. Number two, he said, “Shut up and listen.” I know that’s a little direct and blunt and right at it, but he said, all of his business ideas came from other people. They were ideas from people that he listened to. He asked questions, mentors, advisors, friends, acquaintances, people he ran into. He would listen to others and learn from them. And number three, I really liked this. He made sure to do something for himself. So for you listening in as the business leader of your company, when’s the last time you did something for yourself? Just curious. And if it’s been awhile, do something for yourself. And Scott bought a beach shack in Hawaii, which was pretty cool, but what is that for you? What’s your beach shack?
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (31:02):
And now it’s time for today’s win-win. So today’s win-win comes from when Scott talked about being able to use his relationships and his friendships as multipliers. And I think it’s an important thing for all of us to think about is that relationships, friendships, connections, all of that matters in business, in life, because you never know when you’re going to run into that person or that group or those people again, and you may be working together, collaborating together, or just have a favor to ask or a question to ask.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (31:40):
And so that’s the episode today, folks. Please make sure you like and subscribe to the podcast and give us a review. Remember, if you or anyone you know might be ready to franchise your business, give us a call or connect with us at bigskyfranchiseteam.com. Thanks for tuning in. And we look forward to having you back next week.