How are you training and developing your staff or franchisees in your system? Do you have a plan and system for onboarding new hires?
In today’s episode, we interview Ginine Capozzi, shares with us how the power of one can change everything for your new hire experience.
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Ginine Capozzi is an L&D Consulting Pro, CoActive Coach, and Knowledge Force Consulting Owner. With 15+ years in Learning and Development Strategy, she revolutionizes training for personal and business empowerment. A hands-onleader, Ginine excels in adult learning, change management, curriculum design, and instructional innovation. Her unique approach emphasizes compounding training’s impact, even 1% behavior shifts. Committed to community and volunteering, Ginine drives positive change. A catalyst for Fortune 500 firms, her reimagined training blends WholeBrain® Thinking, gamification, and e-learning, pushing boundaries for dynamic, engaging content and strategic excellence.
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Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (00:01):
Welcome to the Multiply Your Success podcast, where each week we help growth-minded entrepreneurs and franchise leaders take the next step in their expansion journey. I’m your host, Tom DuFore, CEO of Big Sky Franchise Team. As we open today, I’m wondering how you are training and developing your new staff or franchisees as they come into your organization. Do you have a plan or a system as you onboard these new team members?
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (00:30):
Well, in today’s episode, we interviewed Ginine Capozzi, who shares with us how The Power of One can change everything for your new hire and new onboarding experience. Now Ginine is an L&D consulting pro, co-active coach, and KnowledgeForce Consulting owner, with more than 15 years of learning and development strategy. She revolutionizes training for personal and business empowerment. She’s a hands-on leader, and excels in adult learning, change management, curriculum design, and instructional innovation. You’re going to love my interview with Ginine, so let’s go ahead and jump right into it.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (01:08):
Hi, I’m Ginine Capozzi, and my company is KnowledgeForce Consulting. Within that, I am the owner, founder, president, all those fancy titles, but I really just like to go with learning and talent development partner.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (01:23):
I’m glad you gave that summary with learning and talent development partner, because what really stood out to me coming in to prepare for our interview is this concept of adult learning. Teaching adults how to do whatever skill, or trade, or whatever your business is doing, bringing these employees into your organization, and onboarding them well in training. It’s top of mind for me, because we have several new staff on our team, and so this is a little bit of maybe some free consulting I’m going to pull out of this interview as part of this. That was not the intent, by the way, but it’s very fresh for our organization if we’ve brought in some new team members.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (02:01):
Fortunately, we’ve had a long track record of people sticking around for a long time, and we’ve been growing, so we’re adding some new staff. I’d love for you to just talk, in general, about talent development, adult learning. Just what does this all mean, especially if you’re a growing business, a small business. Just give us an overview, a lay of the land, from your vantage point, what you’re seeing out there.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (02:25):
Congratulations on growing, by the way. It’s a good problem to have.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (02:30):
Thank you.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (02:31):
I view training and development in two lenses from what you’re describing right there, Tom. The first piece of what you described is onboarding. How do we bring somebody into the company, get them immediately up to speed? What kind of conversations and pieces do they bring to the table? That’s a really important one aspect and lens to look through when it comes to training and development, talent development. The other lens is, “We’ve been here for a while,” or, “We know you, and how do we continue to maximize growth together, personal and for the business?” Really, what I do, is coming in as a consultant, is to help people bring these pieces together.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (03:09):
First of, how do we set a learning and development strategy for the business so that we can identify who we want to go after? Is that targeted talent? What skill and development do we need short-term, midterm, long-term in order to build that out to achieve business direction? First thing, when it comes to adult learning, is that adults need to understand differently how the thing they’re learning connects to the big picture.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (03:35):
When I think about strategy, that strategic business plan, we’re going to do that for business to grow, for example, but we need a sub strategy around talent development within the business. We do that so we can understand, and help adults understand for themselves, why those skills matter, how that fits into the environment of the business that they’re in, how that helps them achieve business goals for the business, but for themselves together. That’s the first leg of what you asked.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (04:03):
I’m in the franchise space, so we talk often about new franchisees, basically their first year in the system, and then post that first year. It sounds like there’s a similar connection here. This onboarding is that initial, maybe, few weeks, few months, onto their figuring out what they’re doing, how they’re doing it. Then post, how are they developing as a professional within your organization? I know this is a big question to ask, but are there some common best practices that you find, or that you see, for each of those phases? The onboarding and then that post for growth and development?
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (04:40):
When it comes into the onboarding, I’ll start there, since that’s the first phase of the journey. If I’m bringing some people onboarded, a couple pieces that owners and managers tend to miss is, at the very beginning, it’s critical to establish a first three to six months expectation setting, and some bumper guards for what success looks like for that individual. What often happens when someone’s onboarded, they have no idea if they’re above the line or below the line on where you expect them to be. Setting that early, let somebody know that they’re tracking in a direction, and how you’ve got to adapt to that. That’s one piece of it.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (05:20):
The second piece of it is having regular conversations, checking in, “How are you?” We tend to do this in a really interesting way though, and I make this funny. We put the burden on the new employee, and we say this great question that we think is very supportive, or statement that we think is very supportive. We say to them, “If you have any question, I’m just right there. Just let me know. Just ask me anything.” We do this whole thing of open door, and I laugh, and I say, “They don’t even know what to ask you, and you’re asking them, in their most vulnerable of moments, to show they don’t know something. They have no idea whether or not they’re above the line or below the line on the expectation, and putting all the burden and vulnerability on the new person, instead of being the one who takes the vulnerability on for that new person.”
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (06:11):
When I take it on, instead, as a new leader onboarding, it looks a little bit more like, “If I were in your position, I might have questions about if you do reach out to me, or if I was in your position and brand new, I’ll know if I’m making progress because this task would take me maybe 30 minutes to do. Eventually it’ll take you 10, so if you get to the 30-minute window where you can’t figure it out, don’t keep struggling, come talk to me,” right? I’ve controlled that, in a way, where I’ve taken on the vulnerability of what it would be like and it builds connection for the individual.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (06:49):
That’s the way that I look about that from the onboarding side of it. When I’m looking at it from the connection side of expectations, from someone who’s been there a long time, I talk about our shelf life. We just want to extend the shelf life. Everything expires. The relationship will expire. They may move on to something new, but in the end, it’s the idea of, “How can we get the most out of it for everybody while we’re still in that relationship and build that together?”
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (07:15):
Amazing, amazing. Well, it’s some great suggestions and ideas, and one of the things that you mentioned is you have a program or a framework. It’s called Power of One, or The Power of One framework.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (07:27):
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (07:28):
It seems like that might help fit into some of what we’re discussing here. What is that, and why does it matter?
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (07:35):
The Power of One framework is a way that I like to think about engaging in almost anything. I always say The Power of One framework is the power to change everything. It could be really tiny, or it could be really big, but this is how it works. We have one conversation. Out of that one conversation, we’re looking for an idea. Out of that one idea, we’re looking for an action. I can work with an individual on that, and say, “Hey, how are things going in your new role? What’s one thing that was successful today? What’s one new connection that you made with the job, from something you learned before, to what we’re doing here at Big Sky,” or, “And what is one thing you want to try tomorrow with that?” Now I’m having this coached conversation that’s very individual.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (08:22):
Way you can scale that whole framework up to change everything is, “Let’s sit in a meeting, and we are going to brainstorm on how we are going to change this entire process. Let’s have a conversation about what’s working and what’s not. What do we need to change?” That’s my conversation. From this, what is one idea? What’s the one action we’re going to take? It’s just this way to keep the conversation going. It really just comes from a history. My mom used to say to me as a little kid, “Ginine, never underestimate The Power of One. It’s the only number that changed the world.” It’s the idea of one on one on one, building of habits, all those things that are out there in the space today, but the small incremental change lands me in a very new direction.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (09:03):
Do you have any instances or examples you might be able to share, where you’ve helped implement a program like this with a client, or seen it in your own life?
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (09:13):
Yeah. It’s really funny that you talk about that, because it is the incremental changes. Just this week, I was working with someone who is a new manager, and one of the things I do in my business as well is coaching and development. This was through, we were using The Power of One framework in a coaching setting about him. He now is a leader of leaders. His job is to help other people unlock the potential of their direct reports. The conversation that we were having really sounded like this idea of they’re not… I’ve given them direction of what to do, but they’re not taking it and running with it. What do I do now?
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (09:51):
We sat back, and said, “All right, what’s the conversation you really want to be having with this particular individual?” He and I practiced that, and I was like, “All right, what’s the one new idea that you’re having that might connect and resonate with him, and what’s the thing you want to do with that?” We went through in a private conversation, it only maybe took us about four to five minutes to have that. He came back this week, and said, “It worked,” and I just love that, like, “It worked.” It’s like that whole thing.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (10:22):
Part of it was really a twofold thing. One of it was he realized that he had some expectations that weren’t being communicated. There was a way he thought he should be doing it, and that it should be done, which is always a trigger word for misaligned expectations. The individual took action, was really proud of themselves on the thing that they did. These are just the small moments, but you learn and grow from that. We were talking about how adults learn differently, and that is how adults learn differently. They have to really see the compounding effects of the thing that they’re doing. It’s almost like the proof is in the pudding.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (10:58):
Doing this in small ways builds trust, and credibility, and change. When we start to see that it works is when adults actually latch on. Where kids don’t mind failing, they fall down, they bounce back, it’s part of the process, they don’t even really think about it. An adult falls down, and they think the world is ending. That’s a really nuanced difference between teaching kids, who everything is new, and everything’s a failure, and everything’s a success, versus adults who feel like they have something to lose.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (11:30):
Well, that’s a great point. There’s this concept of return on talent investment, and it looks like I would say ROTI, or I’m not sure how you would pronounce that, R-O-T-I return on talent-
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (11:42):
That’s the way I say it.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (11:42):
R-O-T-I, return on talent investment. I’m just wondering, how do you establish these kinds of objectives? I’m thinking of some of the business leaders that I’ve worked with. A lot of times, some of these training to development things are challenging to implement, because they don’t quite know how to assess. Are these things working? Are they successful, or not? How do you assess that?
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (12:06):
Yeah, that’s great. That really is the truth. Many training programs, one of the things I hear over and over again is, “Gin, we send people to training, and it’s not working.” There’s a lot of reasons why, “It’s not working,” occurs, and it doesn’t usually boil down to a variable. People are complicated. But part of it is that we don’t set in advance those return on talent investment metrics that we want to look for. I help people establish them in four varying categories, based upon the strategy of the business, and where the business is trying to go.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (12:40):
We want to look at your long-term vision of, “Where’s the business headed?” From there, we back into, “What are some traditional return on investment metrics? Are there some financials?” Maybe an onboarding program, for example, is, “Do we reduce onboarding?” Maybe it takes the average person 30 days to learn a job. Then we get them to 21, and what does that look like on the financials, to be a complete productivity seven days sooner than we have in the past? Is that a metric we want to use? Is that meaningful? As an example.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (13:15):
We also look at process improvement. What can we look at to say, “Is there a better process that will come out of this training? Will we generate new ideas? Will we create an efficiency? What are the pieces that the training will do, and can we measure improvement around process?” Maybe there’s some specific components there that we look at. Then we can look at the more qualitative type of aspects, employee engagement, the happiness factor. Would you refer people to this business? People oriented return on investments.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (13:51):
Then the last piece is the execution against strategy. What is the big picture? It’s really sitting down and looking at the return on that talent investment from a holistic perspective. Oftentimes, the reason why it’s so challenging to measure the benchmark is because we’re measuring it against one item, and that one item we either don’t have a baseline for, so we can’t see that we’re changing, or we’re using a metric that doesn’t actually match to the skill or the chains that we have. Then, the final piece that I always challenge people on, and say, “Sometimes we don’t get to the metric, because we have existing systems in place that actively push against it.”
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (14:33):
I’m thinking to my own organization, and others I’ve worked for, and seen in clients we work with, where, essentially, you’re getting in your own way, right? You’re your own worst enemy in this process.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (14:46):
Yeah, absolutely. Or I’ll see people want to send people to training, and they expect this massive behavior change. We don’t need massive behavior change. I need one. One. Because one is the ripple effect. Again, The Power of One, to trickle into another conversation, that launches another idea, that leads to another action, and it goes in that direction. That’s one piece of it. The second piece is, I will actively see, for example, I do a lot of sales implementation, like we design a custom sales method for companies to use.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (15:17):
We’ll think about rolling out some sort of sales training, but then all the incentives are still stuck in the old systems and processes, and that they don’t marry up against the new thing that you want them to be doing. We don’t change the system metrics to reinforce that. Or we tell somebody we want them to take ownership, and we teach them ownership skills about how to go about doing that. Then we manage the heck out of them, and we don’t let them have ownership. Well, then, why’d we go through the training in the first place? You didn’t want to have the systems to support it.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (15:52):
One of my tagline for KnowledgeForce is Training Reimagined, and it’s not really that we have to do everything different about training, and so we just have to think about some of the reimagined moments. Can I engage differently? Can we converse differently? Do we put a system and support in that we don’t have existing? Are we incentivizing human behavior? We go back to the idea that human beings, especially in a training environment, a personal development environment, we are actively always seeking to connect and protect, to connect and protect. We want to protect ourselves, but we desire to connect with others. How can I close the gap between those two things, in a way that made someone feel safe. When they feel safer, they can learn, and they can try new things. That’s really the behavior change that we’re hoping to get out of people.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (16:45):
You’ve mentioned some great practical applications. If I’m listening into this and I’d be thinking, “Okay. Well, Ginine, this sounds amazing. I really like what you’re talking about, but I’m a small growing business, I’m a franchisee, or I’m a franchisor,” our audience, oftentimes, and they’re trying to train their franchisees, which are small businesses. Or other leaders that are tuning in, that say, “Great, but I’m so busy. I don’t know how to do this. I have a limited budget, limited time, limited resources. How can I create something, and professionalize my training and onboarding schedule?” What would you say to someone who might say that?
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (17:26):
Yeah. I would say a couple of things. It doesn’t have to be perfect in order to get started. We will often avoid getting started, or what I say, we will explain away our inaction with, “I can’t do it all.” Don’t worry about that. Do something. Get started. Ideate. If the only thing you can do is have a five-minute conversation, that is a conversation idea with one outcome in action, you’re getting started, right? Don’t let it be that it needs to be perfect. Just get started, and learn, and grow. Have your new hires… This is an onboarding tip and trick that I give people. Have your new hires develop the training. I know that sounds crazy, but what I often will have them do, for example, is you need to, you’re a franchisee, and you want to be able to build out a video library, long-term, about how to do a thing.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (18:22):
Well, then, get your new hires to build the video, submit it to you for critique, and evaluation, and comments. You get to see where they are working, how they’re learning, what’s working. You get to course correct them, if there’s some mistakes. They redo the video in the asset until they get it right. You now get to see that they’re learning, developing, and doing, and in the end, they created the homework assignment for you, the new tutorial video, that next time you can just give somebody else. Then the next layer of people who are developing it for you, they go, they record the picks and clicks on the software, do a little narration, save the Zoom video, and now you’re off and rolling. You start to begin to collect a little bit of an asset.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (19:06):
That’s a really down and dirty trick that you can work with. If you want to work with someone like me, I can’t forget to put the plug-in for myself, they can always give me a call and we can work on it. My team, we bring in chief learning officer, like fractional officer. I work with a lot of small businesses, and you can get started that way.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (19:27):
Well, while we’re talking about that, what’s your website, or how can they get in touch with you?
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (19:30):
Yeah, sure. Some general business website information is at, and there’s video tutorials there. There’s some downloadables, freebies, case study examples. So that’s one way. If you’re super interested, the podcast people get to go to If they would like, they can sign up with for a free fifteen-minute introductory conversation. We’ll do a Power of One conversation together, where we share something, come up with an idea, think about an action, and if you want to take it further, then that’s an opportunity for us to do that there.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (20:06):
Ginine, one of the things that you mentioned, I found interesting with that example you gave, of that learning management, and having the employee record that, it also seemed to me that that could double, as well, as some kind of a reward or an award to say, “By the way, once you master this, or show you’ve mastered this skill, or whatever you’re developing, we’re going to feature this. The next person who comes in, they’re going to learn from you on how to do this.”
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (20:33):
Exactly, exactly. That could be reward-based. I’ve seen them done… I’m sorry, I’m jumping to a business owner that I know of a pizza shop, and they turned it into Instagram competition. They had their new people developing out the way they wanted something to look in the environment, and part of their job was to grab their phones, take some pictures, do a couple of reels, be fun with it.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (21:01):
Then they turned it into a new higher competition for whose stuff turned into the viral media thing, “You get to post your reel, we’re posting this person’s Instagram.” It was multiple layered, in the sense that we’ve got learning, we’ve got some fun engagement, and we’re using it from our social media side of things. As a small business owner, the more I can check lots of boxes with the one thing that I am doing, the happier I am.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (21:30):
What a great story. I love that example. That’s really great.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (21:33):
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (21:33):
Well, Ginine, this is a great time in the show, where we make a transition, and we ask every guest the same four questions before they go. The first question we ask is, “Have you had a miss or two in your career, and something you learned from it?”
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (21:45):
I’m going to try to keep it short, but I do have a miss. About 2016, I was in a program, and I brought them this idea that I referred to as BOLTs, that was my branded name for it, Building Operational Leadership Talent, and it was to manufacturing business owners about how I wanted to launch a leadership program, very specifically oriented towards manufacturing and advanced manufacturing.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (22:10):
They crushed my dream and told me that absolutely nobody would pay for that. It was ridiculous. Manufacturing runs lean and mean. They’re not going to spend money on this kind of program at that kind of dollar point. Five years later, do you know the number one thing I get asked for these days is leadership training and manufacturing. I just missed the market on it at the time. It’s happening, but I would be so much further on that curve right now, I think.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (22:44):
It’s that age-old adage for any business offering, right? It’s just timing is so critical. It’s the right idea, the right program, just off timing-wise, just a little bit. Well, let’s talk about a make or two that you’ve had along the way.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (23:00):
Yeah. One of my favorite makes was how I know the power of these conversation matters. I had a friend, we just used to meet for coffee and talk about business, totally different worlds. They were in a software engineering space. Here I am training and development, but we would just share, brainstorm ideas, two different places. Fast-forward the story, five years of meeting, talking, having no business connection, really, out of that. I am at a conference, and I get paired up with this random project manager for a company who starts to talk about her struggle of implementing change, lo and behold, about my coffee mate’s software.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (23:39):
I know all the ins and outs of this software, and some of the challenges that people have with implementing it, and we start to share some ideas and conversation. Two weeks later, I was hired as a consultant. They became my biggest client for many years. It was really just because I was a good active listener about something that had nothing to do with my business, that I never saw it growing into. Then a chance encounter, that I don’t believe is really chance, but a chance encounter later. Those two connected moments led into a really great client that took the business into a different level.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (24:18):
Divine intervention, to me, is a very real thing. I totally understand. Let’s talk a little bit about a multiplier. The name of the show is Multiply Your Success. Have you used a multiplier to grow yourself personally, professionally, or businesses you’ve been involved with?
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (24:34):
Yeah. I think my biggest multiplier is, silly as it sounds, is conversation. It’s even conversations like this podcast. I started my first one a few years ago, just it’s fun to help out a friend who was starting to launch theirs, and I really saw the value of these types of conversations. It’s been a multiplier in getting in connection with other people. Just out there networking and growing, but it’s also been a self-multiplier. It’s helped me crystallize ideas. It’s helped me learn to articulate them better. It’s helped me puzzle through problems or challenges for clients in a new way, just with some of the conversation that was happening.
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (25:15):
I think there’s that. Then I, and friends, and family members in my life, will tell you that they’ve seen a real difference in me over the last few years, as I’ve worked with a one-on-one business coach. Really, have come to that place where I’m identifying my own systems, my own solutions, holding myself accountable with a little bit of a paid accountability friend out there. I think that those have made a big difference.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (25:41):
Fantastic. Well, the final question we ask every guest is, “What does success mean to you?”
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (25:48):
Success means to me that knowing there is not a right path, there’s just my path. That as long as I believe in the direction I’m going, that I’m helping others, that I’m creating a bit of a legacy for myself, my family, and I’m helping others unlock the power of their own potential. To me that’s success. If that’s money, it’s money. If it’s fame, it’s fame. If it’s none of those things, it doesn’t matter.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (26:16):
Well, Ginine, as we bring this to a close, is there anything you were hoping to share or get across that you haven’t had a chance to yet?
Ginine Capozzi, KnowledgeForce Consulting (26:23):
I think I would just sum it up with this idea of remember that it just takes one small thing to get started. I know adult learning is a big piece of that. Adults learn through conversation. They learn through generating their own ideas and creating buy-in, and they learn from taking action and recalibrating. When I think about working as a business owner, if I want to unlock that potential, I don’t need massive shift. I just need to build on those small building blocks over and over, in a repeated way.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (26:59):
Ginine, thank you so much for a fantastic interview. You provided so many great nuggets and pieces of information. You’ve made it hard to choose which ones I should select for the top three takeaways for today, but I’ll do my best. Let’s go ahead and jump into today’s three key takeaways. Takeaway number one is when she talked about the return on talent investment ROTI.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (27:24):
She said that it’s important to get this set, and establish some metrics to look at for your business, as you’re onboarding new staff, new franchisees. What does that look like? She said, “What does a process improvement look like? Quality engagement?” She said, “Many times, we’re using a metric with no baseline, or because we’re using a metric that doesn’t match the actual skill that we’re training for.” She said, “Sometimes at your organization, there very well may be processes in place, that are actively pushing against a new system or process that you’re trying to implement.”
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (28:02):
I would also couple with that when she shared some of her best practices. This is my sneak in additional takeaway, by the way. She said, “For onboarding,” she said, “It’s important to establish those three to six month expectation, and make sure that you give them the clarity on what you’re expecting, the new people that are onboarding, so that they know how to measure success.” A great phrase she used was, use phrases to say something like, “If I was in your position, I would ask,” or, “If I were new here, I would want to know,” fill in the blank. I thought those were some great, great takeaways.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (28:41):
Takeaway number two is when she said and described The Power of One framework. She said, “It’s the power to change anything and everything.” She said, “We have one conversation, we have one idea, and we look for one next step.” So just one little focus at a time. She said, “Never underestimate the power of one.” Takeaway number three is when she said that, when an adult falls down, in terms of learning, or onboarding, or developing, oftentimes they think the world is ending because they have a lot to lose, or think that they have a lot to lose. Whereas when kids learn, they’re much more resilient, and less impacted by worrying about what they might have to lose if they make a mistake along the way.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (29:31):
Now it’s time for today’s win-win. Today’s win-win is when Ginine said that, as people, we are actively seeking to connect, and protect. That we’re actively seeking to connect and protect. I thought that this was a great nugget and summary to, served as a reminder, that when you’re onboarding new staff, new franchisees, new people to your team, or even implementing new systems, that the people you’re working with, they’re actively seeking to connect. Connect with other people, and to protect; to protect themselves, to protect their job, to protect their business that they might be going through. Keep those two pieces in mind, that they want connection and protection.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (30:26):
I think you couple that with what she said right at the end of the episode. She said, “Remember, it just takes that one small thing to get started, and that adults learn through creating conversation, generating their own ideas, and creating buy-in, and then taking action and recalibrating.” By doing that, you’re going to help create that connection and protection for that new person that’s joining your organization, whether that’s a new hire, whether that’s a new process, or a new franchisee joining into your company.
Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (31:00):
That’s the episode today, folks. Please make sure you subscribe to the podcast and give us a review. And remember, if you or anyone might be ready to franchise your business, or take your franchise company to the next level, please connect with us at Thanks for tuning in, and we look forward to having you back next week.