Creating a Success Loop—Nick Shaw, Founder and CEO, Renaissance Periodization

Have you thought about how to create a success loop? One in which your success leads to others’ success, which leads to success being multiplied? Something like a virtuous cycle on repeat.

Our guest today is Nick Shaw, and he shares with us about his 7 pillars of success from his book Fit for Life and how implementing those have helped him and his partner to build a success loop with their business.


Create a success loop.


Nick is the Founder and CEO of Renaissance Periodization, a multi-million dollar company that helps people achieve their health and fitness goals through evidence-based methods. Their YouTube channel is the number 1 fitness channel on YouTube and has over 2.5 million subscribers. Renaissance Periodization runs the widely popular RP Diet Coach App and RP Hypertrophy App, which offer personalized diet and training algorithms created by sports scientists, dietitians, and coaches. The apps have thousands of 5-star reviews on Google Play and App Store, and have been featured on CNN, Fox News, and NPR. An IFBB pro bodybuilder, Nick bootstrapped Renaissance Periodization from the ground up, rapidly turning it into a health tech brand with a lifetime revenue of over $100M. He has coached Olympians, Navy SEALs, 2 of 2 UFC and CrossFit champions, and world record holders. In 2020, Forbes did a feature story on Nick and his one-man business. He has also authored multiple fitness books, including the well-known “Fit For Success: Lessons On Achievement And Leading Your Best Life.”


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Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (00:01):

Welcome to the Multiply Your Success podcast, where each week we help growth-minded entrepreneurs and franchise leaders take the next step in their expansion journey. I’m your host, Tom DuFoure, CEO of Big Sky Franchise Team. And as we open today, I’m wondering if you’ve ever thought about how to create a success loop, one in which your success leads to others’ success, which leads to success then being multiplied, something like a virtuous cycle on repeat.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (00:31):

Well, our guest today is, Nick Shaw, and he shares with us about a seven pillars of success from his book called Fit For Life, and how implementing those have helped him and his partner to build a success loop with their business and the product and services that they are offering.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (00:47):

Now, Nick is the Founder and CEO of Renaissance Periodization, a multi-million dollar company that helps people achieve their health and fitness goals through evidence-based methods. Their YouTube channel is the number one fitness channel on YouTube and has over 2.5 million subscribers. You’re going to love this interview as Nick and I get into some of the details, so let’s go ahead and jump right into it.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (01:12):

Thanks so much for having me on. It’s great to be here. Nick Shaw, I’m the CEO and Co-Founder of a company called RP Strengths. Used to have a name called Renaissance Periodization, but well, I can barely spell that so we decided to make it a little simpler. That’s what I’ve been doing for the last decade plus now.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (01:29):

Wonderful. You have a book that you wrote, Fit For Success. Give us just an initial overview of the book and then talk about why you wrote the book.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (01:40):

Why I wrote the book was two reasons. One, I’m just really curious as what makes people successful and I just have this really high drive that I want to be successful myself and help as many people. And so that kind of just naturally leads you down the path of reading a bunch of books and you start to read a bunch of different topics and different autobiographies and whatnot of people, and there just tend to be a lot of similar or common themes that stand out.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (02:04):

And it took me a while to start noticing, and I was like, “Oh, wow, there’s a completely unrelated field.” And then I started running through this in my own head and I’ve been able to coach some pretty high level athletes now. I was like, “Well, that makes sense.” And you just kind of start piecing everything together and you’re like, “Oh, wow, okay. Here’s these common themes.” I know how we do stuff at RP when we write books on nutrition and training. We compile things down in a pyramid. What’s the most important? Here’s a handful of things that the bottom is the most important, you work your way up.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (02:31):

So I was like, “I think I can do this,” and I’m not a PhD in nutrition or training, so I was like, “We’ve got plenty of people at RP that can do that, what we don’t have is more of a generalized book, maybe on more mindset, just success in general.” And so that was one big reason. The other reason was I started doing this during Covid and my wife was going through some health issues. She’s now perfectly fine, but we weren’t going anywhere. My kids were being homeschooled. This was right after Covid hit, spring of 2020, which seems like forever ago, by the way, like four and a half years ago now.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (03:05):

So really I just needed something to do and I was like, “Well, I guess writing a book would be a good thing to keep me occupied and not going anywhere for a while so I’ve got some time on my hands.” And I wanted to get it out before 2020 was over just because literally everyone in the world was being impacted by Covid. So succeeded in that. Got it out November of 2020. So it’s been a while. It’s been out for a bit.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (03:26):

Compiled everything down into seven main themes, like seven main habits of what makes people successful. And again, it’s based on a pyramid. So you have to have the bottom because if you don’t have the bottom, then the overall success goes down, kind of give the TLDR here. So the bottom one is the most important, but also is the most obvious, that probably has the least amount of time in the book spent on it.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (03:47):

So that’s all about work ethic. And you’ve not really ever met anyone that’s successful, that doesn’t work really hard. Even if you are lucky, again, at some point you just have to put all your ideas into action. So work ethic, pretty self-explanatory.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (04:01):

And then you start to get a little bit beyond that and you get into what’s called the internal and external locus of control. So that one’s really more about where are you focusing your time, efforts and energy. And successful people tend to focus more on what they have control over.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (04:17):

External focus would be you are more worried about what other people are doing or what’s going on to you, whereas in general, people that tend to be more successful tend to focus on even if something bad’s happening, it’s like, “Okay, this is happening, but what can I do about it? What can I actually do about it?” And that’s where you want to direct your time and efforts because if you spend your time focusing on things you have no control over…

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (04:40):

You share in that chapter specifically some examples about Marcus Aurelius and talk a little bit about him in there. Would you mind sharing that?

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (04:47):

I believe the quote is, and hopefully I’ll get this right, I’ve probably said enough times I can get it mostly right. “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and essentially you will find strength.” That’s when it boils down to. You don’t have control over things that are happening around you, or what other people are doing. You really, at the end of the day, only have control over you.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (05:06):

And to me, this is a great mindset because it’s something I try to remind myself every day is no matter what’s happening, I’m not a victim, I’m not a bystander. There’s always something that I can do, even if it is tiny as just changing the way that I think about something. Well, that can actually have a really big impact.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (05:24):

Which leads into the success habit number three, which is positive mindset. People that are successful tend to be more positive. A quick note on that is something that I found really fascinating, and this is because again, it’s actually really great to talk about the book now because there’s a lot of stuff that I’ve read and thought about since I published the book and kind of add some little caveats into it.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (05:44):

And one thing is the difference between hope and optimism. So when most people think positive mindset, they just think, “Oh, okay, optimists. Oh, you just want to think things are going to be okay.” Totally. And that’s by and large, mostly true. But then there’s a little bit of a difference between hope and that really is you know that things are going to be okay because you have control over what’s going on. And again, it links into the other two habits before. So it links to internal locus of control, you focus on the things you actually have control over, which then gives you more incentive, more emphasis to do the work that goes into work ethic.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (06:21):

So again, they all tie into one another, and that really is a cool thing about hope. Well, you know things are going to be better because you have something to do and say about it. So that one’s really cool. Get into discipline, man. We could probably have a separate podcast on literally every single one of these. Discipline’s really interesting one. Is there maybe a large genetic base to that? Potentially, very much potentially. So does that give some people a head start? I don’t know, maybe.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (06:48):

There’s probably something to that, but at the same time, it’s probably also something that you can improve your environment, things like that to make it a little bit easier so you don’t have to use as much willpower, but most successful people have discipline. They have the ability to delay gratification now for the longer term time horizon. That’s really probably my big takeaway on that.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (07:07):

And then the last couple is really just your purpose. Most people, there’s going to be some bumps along the way. Number six, failure. It’s a really interesting one, with a book on success why would failure be in there? Well, it’s kind of what you learn from failure because everyone’s going to have some bumps and bruises along the way. We might be getting ahead of ourselves. I know that was one of the questions you were going to ask, but if you’re going to be successful, you’re going to have some misses along the way and what can you learn from them? Don’t repeat them.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (07:33):

And then again, all this is really hard work. And when you have the failures, again, it ties into the one before about your purpose. It’s a lot easier when you have a calling. Yeah, you’re going to have some bumps and bruises along the way, but when you know that you’re meant to do it, it’s what you love, it’s a lot easier to overcome.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (07:48):

And at the very top, there’s just a whole lot of hard work. And I think a lot of times people, they want to be successful and they push and they push and they push. It becomes a proverbial burning both ends of the candle. And so you have to have a little bit of a time to step back, recharge your batteries, read, learn, whatever, work out, practice mindfulness, things like that, if you really want to increase the level that you’re able to get to.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (08:15):

Absolutely. Well, I really liked that you kept that recharge. I like how you phrased that final habit there for the success habit there. And having people recharge because it is something, most of our audience will tune in, I describe as successful entrepreneurs and leaders that are leading organizations. And it’s easy when you’re in that role to not take a break or feel like you’re always on when you’re going through that.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (08:42):

Absolutely. I think actually at RP, one thing that we actually have to do and encourage people is to actually take time off because we tend to be group that by and large is going to push ourselves. And sometimes we don’t want to push people to their breaking points, which is funny because from a fitness standpoint, we know this. That’s literally what we teach people.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (09:03):

But then sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in work stuff and you forget that a little bit. And so it’s like success is universal. If you want to be successful in fitness, you can’t always just push, push, push, push, push, push, push. There have to be times when you back off here and there to manage fatigue and not get over trained, not get hurt. And really the same can apply when you’re applying it to work, applying it to business.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (09:25):

And again, there are times when you have to go pedal to the metal, absolutely times. But there’s also times where you have to back off a little bit. Now for us, an easy example is seasonality and Black Friday, Cyber Monday, New Years, we’re a fitness company, all right, that’s prime time, Super Bowl season, let’s go folks. But maybe in the fall like, “Hey, I’ve got a vacation coming up and I’m going to take a week off and go to Italy with my wife.”

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (09:49):

And I encourage other people within the company, “Hey, during the fall months, now’s the time to take a little break, get rested up, get ready, because we know that Super Bowl season’s coming up.” So something like that. There’s some little things you can do about that, for sure.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (10:04):

One of the things, and I know we’ll get into this in a couple of questions, just how you’ve been able to essentially bootstrap a business and grow it to where you have and grow a business over a hundred million in revenue. If you can give us a little overview on your business and how people can get in touch with you. And we’ll jump into the four questions we always like to ask every guest here.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (10:24):

So RP Strength is an online fitness company. So definitely started as just purely a fitness company where we just were really coaching people. We thought we had a pretty good method about how to do things. We thought we could scale that. So rather than someone needing to pay for a one-on-one coach, we thought, “Well, we know the systems and processes in place. Can we scale this, kind of automate it, make it like a digital product?” We were able to do that. It was wildly successful.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (10:48):

At the same time, we knew that one day we wanted to get to where we had apps for this. And so we have two apps. We have the RP Diet Coach App, so people want to really dial in their nutrition. I will say our demographic is intermediate and advanced people in the fitness space. So if there’s total beginners listening, we do have one thing that can help those people, but that’s probably not our main demographic.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (11:11):

It’s definitely… the best way to describe it is if you’re already into fitness and you’re like, “Yeah, I’ve tried a bunch of stuff. I can’t quite figure it out, and it’s just a little overwhelming, but I just want someone to tell me what to do to get that next level.” That’s us. We’re perfect for that. That’s where we excel.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (11:24):

We also have a training app, so it’s called the RP Hypertrophy App. And that’s for people that are like, “Hey, you know what? I want to get more jacked. I want to get more ripped. I want to know how do I train to get those results?” That is what we are the best in the world at. And that is hypertrophy training, which sort of ties into if you’re like, “Oh, this sounds really interesting, I want to go check those guys out,” go to our YouTube channel.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (11:44):

It is currently right now, the number one fitness channel on YouTube, has been for a while based on number of views per month. And we hit 1 million subscribers right before the turn of the year. It was a couple of days before New Year’s, and we’re pushing close to about 2.5 million now. So it’s really just took off.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (12:03):

And again, we’ve got a great team in place. And my colleague, co-founder of RP, he’s the face of the YouTube channel. He’s absolutely hilarious. People love him. So even if you’re like, “Yeah, sometimes fitness really overwhelms me.” His skill is taking complex ideas and then breaking them down to really just easy to digest information. And he also cracks all sorts of jokes so people really love the humor. So it’s entertainment and education. That’s what really sort of draws people in.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (12:28):

So I would go to YouTube, just search RP Strength, or if you want the longer name, Renaissance Periodization, it’ll come up and you can watch essentially any topic you can think of in fitness. And chances are, especially if you like to laugh and like some jokes, you’ll absolutely love it.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (12:43):

Thanks for that. We’ll make sure we include those links in the show notes. And I know you gave us a little overview on these, but the first question we always like to ask every guest is, have you had a miss or two on your journey and something you learned from it?

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (12:55):

I would say a really big miss. And what’s funny is right before we started and you were listing to these questions out, I think there’s a good segue on all these and how they can all connect. But I would say a big miss was when I started talking about my buddy and making the jokes and all that. I used to think that as CEO, I needed to be, or we needed to be as a company, Switzerland. What is Switzerland known for? Being neutral.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (13:22):

They wouldn’t get caught up in the world wars or anything like that. And I was like, “That’s who we need to be. We’re not here to be edgy or push one way or another because if we say anything you might tick off someone on one side or the other side.” And I’m not talking just politics because nutrition is hugely dogmatic and there’s people on each side of it.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (13:43):

And so I was just, “You know what? That’s not where we need to be.” And I was completely wrong. And as I started reading, studying, learning more about marketing, it’s like, “No, you actually want to be really authentic and true to yourself. And some of the things that you say might rub people the wrong way, and those just aren’t your people. They can go elsewhere and there’s other folks on the internet that can provide great services to them.” And we’d be happy to point people to those folks if they’re not for us. And some of that comes down to just language used.

And my buddy is very colorful with his language and he’ll swear and all that stuff. And I just remember the first time he started doing that a bit more publicly, I was like, “Oh boy, what’s going to come?” And people loved it. Were there some people along the way that were like, “Oh, this guy, I can’t believe this guy’s swearing and all that.” And one of the other big misses is really just in terms of my own psychology and that I used to really let that stuff bother me thinking that we had to please every single person.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (14:44):

And eventually that just got old. It’s like, “Well, if we can please 97 people out of 100, I’m not going to worry about those three.” And so that was a really enlightening thing. And then it let us lean into more of that authenticity, which then has seen just the eruption of the YouTube channel and all that. And now it’s the number one place for finessing information. So those would be two big misses, I think.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (15:10):

Wonderful. Well, thanks for sharing those. And let’s talk about a make or two, some highlights.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (15:16):

Well, again, good segues because once we started to realize that, that the make would really be leaning into the authenticity, leaning into the colorful character that my buddy is, Dr. Mike. And by the way, he’s going on a lot of these big podcasts now, he’s become a celebrity and the fitness space and has really just been embracing that and leaning into it and knowing that there’s going to be some flack that we catch along the way.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (15:40):

But the make is just pretty obvious with the explosion of the YouTube channel. And we went from 1 million to 2 million in roughly six months, and it’s only accelerating, which is really wild to think about. And so it starts to change your perspective on stuff. So that’s a huge make.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (16:00):

Another one I would say is on that, which is just having the apps as well, and it’s been a really big hit with the product market fit from the YouTube demographic that once a lot of information tends to lean a bit more male, but they want information on, “Hey, how do I get more jacked? How do I look a lot better?” And that’s perfect for our apps. And so the product market fit has been really, really good with our apps. I would say that’s another big make.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (16:25):

One of the things I was excited about having you on have your book Fit For Success and our show is called Multiply Your Success. So have you used a multiplier as you’ve grown yourself personally, or professionally, or your company?

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (16:38):

Yeah. Well, I think we’ll keep going with the segues, and when I talk about the apps, so I think a lot of content creators, because I’ve started reading a lot more on just the influencer and content creator space and trying to lean into that a bit more. There’s this, “What do you want at the bottom of the funnel if you’re an influencer?”

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (16:55):

Well, you want something that can be fairly high margin and hopefully has recurring revenue and has the ability to scale, which is the multiplier. And when you have software, well that is pretty easy to do that because we could add 10X, our member base, and the marginal costs of, I don’t know, paying Amazon Web Service, AWS. It’ll go up a little bit. Yeah, we might hire another engineer or something like that, but by and large, the scaling capability of the apps is really quite high, which really is the multiplier right there. And so they all tie into one another.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (17:29):

Absolutely. Well, the final question we ask every guest, Nick, is what does success mean to you?

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (17:35):

Yeah. That’s the hardest one. That’s the one I got to think about a little bit more, but at the end of the day, it’s like, “All right, so why did Dr. Mike and I start RP in the first place?” Well, we thought that we had a pretty good understanding of fitness, Mike, especially because he’s got the PhD, that we could help people reach their fitness goals in a more efficient manner.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (17:57):

And so that’s why we created RP. And we’ve been able to do that very well. But to me, success is how do we take that and how do we help the greatest number of people, make sure that they’re using good evidence-based practices, they’re not using random stuff or stuff that doesn’t work, or sometimes stuff that’s even downright harmful. And we become the go-to place on the internet via the YouTube channel for when people want no BS fitness information. That’s where they come and leaning into that as much as we can, that’s obviously done very, very well.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (18:35):

And then what does success look like even more? Well, we keep growing that. We keep doing that, we keep doubling down on that. And by the way, it creates YouTube revenue, which leads into more app revenue, which is great for the company, and then we can take that and give back. So what we’re doing is we give RP research grants to a number of labs all over the world. We don’t tell them what to study, how to use the funds. We just say, “Hey, here’s some money. Go do the research.” They get to go do research. Now, again, it’s in the fitness space specifically. So again, it all ties back to fitness. That’s our thing.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (19:07):

We can bring them on to discuss their research, which gives them a platform to talk about the latest and greatest of what’s going on in research. And then also set up a nonprofit where we can give scholarships back to people probably that are watching the YouTube channel want to go to school to study kinesiology. We can let them apply, we will choose a handful of people each year. So it’s like now we just have this positive feedback loop where now we’re able to help more people. Kind of like a Mr. Beast thing, but obviously on a smaller scale, but he’s really well known for that of giving back and all that. So that to me, I think is what success looks like in just helping more people.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (19:40):

As we bring this to a close, is there anything you were maybe hoping to share or get across that you haven’t had a chance to yet?

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (19:48):

I think for anyone that’s listening to this like, “Oh yeah, that sounds pretty cool. I’ve been thinking about starting something with fitness. I’m just a little nervous or intimidated, I’m not really sure where to start.” Go to the YouTube channel, search anything you want on there, you’re going to find a video on it. We’ve got some videos designed for beginners, how to get started, things like that. And just watch those. They’re going to be funny. You’re going to learn a bunch from it. You’re going to laugh, it’s going to click, it’s going to make sense, or hopefully it does.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (20:15):

And listen, if it doesn’t, then okay, go somewhere else. That’s fine. But for most people, they’d be, “Okay, wow. This is really great stuff.” Just go there, check it out, go in with an open mind and do that. Get started. Take a little action. Here’s the thing, right, as entrepreneurs, it’s easy to overlook when you go back to that recharge part at the top of the pyramid. And I’ve seen this before I in some Vistage groups and hang out with other CEOs, run companies and whatnot.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (20:40):

It’s really easy to overlook your health when you’re really focused on your business. But I think that the total level of output can go up when you take care of yourself and you take care of your body and take care of your mind until you actually can accomplish more. And so it becomes that positive feedback loop where you actually get more done, you accomplish more because your per level unit of output goes up when you’re taking care of yourself. So I would highly encourage people to get into that and check it out. And I guess that’s pretty cool that we’ve been able to make a pretty cool business from it.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (21:10):

Well look, listening to you give this overview, I will be going to your channel to search as someone that has a nagging injury that’s been an athlete in the past and trying to sort out, how do I get into this? So I will be searching for that specifically when I go to your channel to see what recommendations or advice you have there.

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (21:31):

Definitely. There’s videos on how to come back from injuries and things like that. If you’re in the fitness space long enough, you’re going to have some little nagging injuries, and there’s definitely better ways to go about coming back from that than some others sillier ways. So again, it’s our job to help look through, sort through all that information to try to give people the real deal. No BS approach.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (21:51):

This has been great. And what is that YouTube channel again and your website for people to get in touch with you all?

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (21:58):

Website’s really easy, The YouTube channel is still technically named Renaissance Periodization. It’s one of those things when something’s going so well, you’re like, “Do I attempt the fade and change the name over?’ And it’s always been like… We even asked some people at YouTube and they’re like, “Yeah, you’re probably fine to do it, but gee whiz, it’s just going so well. Do you really want to rock the boat?”

Nick Shaw, Renaissance Periodization (22:18):

So Renaissance Periodization or just search Dr. Mike, anything to do with lifting and it’s almost certainly going to come up and his face is pretty recognizable, so it tends to stand out. But highly encourage people to check that out and appreciate you having me on and giving me a chance to let people know about it.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (22:38):

Nick, thank you so much for a fantastic interview and let’s go ahead and jump into today’s three key takeaways.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (22:45):

So takeaway number one is the bottom up triangle from Nick’s book that he shared and the seven pillars of it, starting from the bottom working up is number one, work ethic. Number two, is the internal and external locus of control. Number three, is a positive mindset. Number four, discipline. Number five, purpose and meaning. Number six, failure. And number seven, recharge.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (23:07):

Takeaway number two is when Nick talked about the miss that he had in his business, and he said he used to think that as a company and as a business, you needed to be “Switzerland” or to be neutral on all things. And takeaway number two, which is what that miss led into, which was the make, was that they actually needed to lean into their authenticity and what makes them unique. Basically taking a stand, actually not being afraid to share what they’re actually thinking or their thoughts are or what their point of view or perspective is.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (23:42):

And now it’s time for today’s win-win. So today’s win-win comes from the end of the episode when Nick was talking about success, and he really talked about creating a success loop. And I thought that was excellent in what he shared, because the success loop started with them creating the business, which led to the creation of the apps and now the YouTube channel. And as the business has grown in each of these capacities, they’ve been able to give back.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (24:16):

And so they’ve been able to sponsor research and provide research grants that new research in the fitness world helps provide better quality research, and in turn creates better educated, more informed professionals, trainers and experts out there providing information.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (24:38):

And then the other part of that is they’re able to now sponsor students to go back to school and future researchers, and then that research is used in their work and what they’re doing to promote healthier more well-informed fitness education and fitness practices. I thought that was just great. And you see this success loop that gets created, like how we led the episode off. And that’s the episode today folks, please make sure you subscribe to our podcast and give us a review.

Dr. Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (25:11):

And remember, if you or anyone you know might be ready to franchise their business or take their franchise company to the next level, please connect with us at Thanks for tuning in, and we look forward to having you back next week.

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