Have you been thinking about starting a podcast, but didn’t know where to start? We have the answer this week with our guest. Dr. Jeremy Weisz.
Links from today’s podcast:
- Rise25.com
- Multiply Your Success Podcast Interview with John Rayyan
- Inspired Insider interview with Nolan Bushnell
Today’s 3 Key Takeaways:
1. 5 Steps to start a podcast
2. Stop helping people who don’t want to help themselves
3. Find great mentors
Today’s WIN-WIN: A rising tide lifts all boats!
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, in addition to running Rise25, has been featuring top entrepreneurs with video interviews since 2011, including founders/CEO’s of P90X, Atari, Einstein Bagels, Mattel, Nordstrom.com, the Orlando Magic, and many more on InspiredInsider.
For 6 years, he was also senior producer for the groundbreaking podcast Mixergy, helping to implement streamlined systems to interview hundreds of guests and create dozens of related online courses, resulting in one of the most popular and profitable early business podcasts.
If you are ready to talk about franchising your business you can schedule your free, no-obligation, franchise consultation online at: https://bigskyfranchiseteam.com/ or by calling Big Sky Franchise Team at: 855-824-4759.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (00:02):
You’ve worked hard to build your business. And now it’s time to grow. Welcome to The Multiply Your Success Podcast. I’m your host, Tom DuFore, CEO of Big Sky Franchise Team and a serial entrepreneur. And the purpose of our podcast here is to help take the fear and mystery out of growing your business and taking it to the next level. As we get going on our episode today, the opening question for us has to do with podcasts. And have you been thinking of launching a podcast or maybe wondering how it can help grow your business? And today’s guest is a podcast expert. In fact, Dr. Jeremy Weisz, and his partner, started a company called Rise25. Which actually is the do it for you service of launching a podcast. So if you’re not sure what to do, or where to start, or just don’t have the time to do it, that’s what his company specializes in. And I thought who better to have on the show than someone that does this for a living.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (01:05):
So Dr. Jeremy Weisz, in addition to running Rise25, has been featuring top entrepreneurs within video interviews since 2011, where he’s interviewed founders and CEOs of companies like P90X, Atari, Einstein Bagels, Mattel, nordstrom.com, the Orlando Magic, and many, many more on his podcast, Inspired Insider. He’s been a senior producer for groundbreaking podcast called Mixergy, helping to implement streamlined systems to interview hundreds of guests and create dozens of related online courses resulting in one of the most popular and profitable early business podcasts. In addition to being a podcast or a marketing company and marketing extraordinary, he also owns a chiropractic business as well. So without further ado, let’s jump into my interview with Dr. Jeremy Weisz.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (02:00):
Yeah, Jeremy Weisz, co-founder of Rise25. And at Rise25 we help businesses launch and run their podcast. Really what we do, Tom, is we help people create life-changing connections. It’s not even about a podcast. It’s about how do you form amazing relationships in your life in business. And a podcast is one vehicle on how to do that. My background is actually in biochemistry and as a chiropractor. So I have a weird twist and turn, but that’s a bit of the background.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (02:34):
Well, I love that. Well, I would love some of the weird twists and turns for you to share with the audience, how you go from a chiropractor to podcast expert. And share some of your story on how that all happened.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (02:49):
Yeah. I’ve been podcasting and helping podcasts since around 2008, when most people did not know what a podcast was. I have found that… My philosophy in life, and I feel you are the same, is what are ways I can give to my relationships and help them? And so that’s always, when I go into any conversation, I’m thinking, how can I help this person and what can I do? And that’s one of the reasons I got into chiropractic actually is because my dad had suffered with some issues. And really the only thing that helped him was a chiropractor. And so I decided early on, even when I went to… I went to University of Wisconsin – Madison, and I decided that’s what I want to do. And through this winding path of with any business, as you know, you go into the craft and you realize, well, you are a business owner and you have to run the business, you have to learn the business and ins and outs.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (03:55):
And so, one of the biggest things for me is how do I give to my best relationships? And two, how do I have mentors that have been there, done that, right? And that’s why people come to you too. It’s like, you want a franchise. Don’t try and do it yourself. Hire an expert who’s done it many, many times. Because it’s not just money. It’s not just money, it’s time. Time is money. And so whether it’s a franchise or a podcast, you want to shortcut time and money. And some people think of probably they ask you like, well, what’s it going to cost and the expense? It’s not about expense or costs. It’s about, well, what mistake would you make that’s going to cost you $100,000 if you do it wrong.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (04:38):
And people don’t always think of that. So that being said, I found early on that I just loved talking to, being in the room with like-minded entrepreneurs and founders. And I started to interview them early on. And I found that not only from a amazing relationship standpoint, but from a growth standpoint. Talking to some of the best people in the U.S. or the world and learning from them in itself is worthwhile. And so I just over time went… Because I was early on in it, people would ask me, how do I set this up? How do I do it? And then I had already built up a team that was helping me do it so I can take my… I didn’t handle all the pieces. I was just worried about the relationships and then running the business. And so, over time we built up a team and brought on clients to basically run everything as an easy button for people.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (05:43):
Yeah, I really like that. And as our podcast is launched over the course of the last year, and it’s podcast friendly, it’s like pandemic hits, you’re stuck indoors, what can we do? Let’s launch a podcast. At least that’s what it seems like to me. Maybe we’ll find here about a year after the… We’re a year or so into the full-on pandemic here, maybe we’ll find there are more babies being born and more podcasts than ever before. But with that being said, I’d love for you to share, if someone is here thinking, well, I’ve actually been thinking about doing a podcast type thing. I’ve got maybe a niche audience or maybe I don’t have any audience. What would you say to someone who’s maybe thinking about this and what steps could they take as a starting point to get going?
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (06:38):
Yeah. It’s a good question. You could substitute Tom, podcast with anything. Blog posts. You could substitute it with anything. But there’s five things I recommend people think about when doing a podcast. And when I think about a podcast, I think of how do you make it sustainable? Anyone can turn on a mic and record something. But the question is, how does it serve your current business? Oftentimes, when I’m talking with people, I’m wondering who’s their… I’m asking questions about their business, which has nothing to do with the podcast. I’m asking, who are your ideal clients?” Who are your ideal referral partners? Who are the biggest people in your universe that are champions of you? And how do you give to those people? And you can give to those people in many different ways. I have found a podcast is the… Like over the past 10 years, it’s the last thing I would stop doing.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (07:36):
It’s the best thing. I’ve formed amazing relationships. I’ve gone to people’s weddings. I have gone to family vacations with people. You become friends with these people. I’m sure like if we’re in the same city, we’ll hang out right now, because we know each other now. And you do business with your friends, who you trust. So I just want to say that if I believe… My belief is, and this is sounds self-serving, but even before it was self-serving, I would say the same thing. If you are a business, you should have a podcast, period. Just like you wouldn’t think of not having a website. Like you have a website, you have a footprint on the internet. So that being said, the five things if you are thinking of doing a podcast, or it doesn’t have to be a podcast, it could be anything that you can give to your network. It could be a blog post.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (08:25):
But here’s the five things I think about when you do a podcast and to make it worthwhile for your business to serve your business. And one is to create a dream 100 lists. And this, we should be doing anyways, Tom. All of us should think right now, if we haven’t done this, we do this activity probably every four to six months. And we dig deep and go, who is on our dream 100 list? And this could be, it doesn’t have to be clients. It could be like, here’s people I respect in the industry. Anything that you want to do. But create that. Number two is find a vehicle to give to those people and reach out to them. My favorite vehicle, as you already know is podcasting. But whatever vehicle it is for you to give to your network and reach out to them and actually try and give to them and help them with whatever they’re working on. And [crosstalk 00:09:24]. Yeah, go ahead.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (09:25):
Real quick. But before you jump into the next point here. For the dream 100 list, I just want to make sure I understand that. So the dream 100 list is that your dream 100 customers or clients, or your dream 100 just kind of celebrity guests or influencers that you’d like to have on? Can you talk through what that dream 100 is?
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (09:49):
Yeah. Both is the answer. All is the answer. It could be a number of things. Usually when I think about it, there could be over 17 different categories that I’ve thought about as far as a dream 100 list goes. But it could be examples of clients, like great clients that you want. It could be authorities in the space, it could be speakers in the space, it could be authors in the space, it could be just other influencers in the space. Anyone who you want to give to that… It could be friends on that list who just love you. And so all of them. So you can define whatever dream 100 is for you. Most people just think of it as clients, or they talk about it as clients. But it could be all of those things. Does that make sense?
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (10:46):
Thank you. Yes, it does.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (10:49):
Yeah. So then the next is reaching out to them. This isn’t a passive situation. Where like, okay, you put them on a list. Okay, you just leave it there. You actually think of ways you can help those people to offer value to them and reach out to them to offer that value. Whatever that is. And this is not anything paid. This is totally to deliver value and ask for nothing in exchange. And I say nothing, but I mean, it may be time. Maybe it’s a call. But to explore what they’re working on and profile them. The third thing is [crosstalk 00:11:24]. Yeah, go ahead.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (11:25):
Sorry to interrupt.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (11:26):
Yeah, go ahead.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (11:26):
For the find a vehicle, so you said, invite them in. You’re going to actually ask them. Is that number three, the invite them in?
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (11:38):
Yeah. Number two. So create your dream 100. Number two would be reach out.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (11:43):
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (11:45):
The third one is, what’s the vehicle? So I’ll talk about my favorite vehicle is podcasting. But you can replace that with whatever you want. The third thing, so once you reach out, what are you reaching out to them and how are you going to deliver value to them? The third part is about, I am making the assumption, this conversation, we’re doing a podcast. Let’s say it’s a blog post. But the third thing is create the art and science of producing amazing content. In this form, it’s producing amazing content in the form of a podcast. Because you want it to be something you’re proud of, the person’s proud of. And how do you create that?
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (12:27):
And that also gets into some of the technology and set up. People are like, “How do I do this?” The most common questions I get, Tom, are, what mic do I use? And how do I get subscribers? And the way I answer that is it’s a 30 second conversation. You could get a $100 USB mic on Amazon. Okay. I have a blue Yeti. I don’t know if this is video or audio, but you can see my mic. ATR 2100, I have over here as a backup. I think yours looks like it’s probably like an ATR 2100. These are $70-120. Okay. It’s a USB mic that plugs into your computer that. This is 10-years-old, this mic. So simple. And you guess what, use Zoom? Sorry to burst one’s bubble.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (13:19):
There’s nothing fancy here. It’s very easy. The set up is very easy. Okay. In my opinion. It doesn’t have to be complicated. People get these wires that are plugging in. It looks cool. But a USB mic works was really, really, really good. So that’s the conversation technology setup. The subscriber, people are like, “How do I get downloaded subscribers?” And that will happen over time. And I’m less worried about the downloaded subscribers. I’m more worried about the quality over quantity. And so often the times the people I have on my podcast also are listeners to the podcast. And those are the people I want listening. The people I want to give to the people I want in my life. So I’m less concerned about how do I get to a million subscribers? The way to think about that is some people… If you have a business that produces revenue, having a podcast, you’re not in the business of podcasting. Meaning, you don’t need to get sponsorship dollars.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (14:21):
You don’t need to monetize the subscriber list, as far as paid advertising. You worry about your business and you run your business and how you give your relationships, supporting your business. So I am less concerned about getting to a million downloads of subscribers. More people are worried about that as their end goal are more in the business of podcasting, which that’s like the top 1%. When you look at the Joe Rogan’s of the world, the Tim Ferris’ of the world, or Jordan Harbinger, who’s a friend, of the world. They get millions and millions of subscribers and they could command top dollar for sponsorships. But most of us are not going to attain that. It’s like the overnight success after 10 years. Jordan would say he’s been podcasting forever. And he would say, if you’re trying to build up a huge following, it’s not easy.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (15:18):
It wasn’t easy for him, but he’s done it over the past, over decade also. The art and science of producing amazing content, something you’re proud of. And just there’s so… I could talk for three hours or more about this topic. But the bottom line is making sure that you are getting great advice, but great stories. One of the stories I like to tell with this is I had… So one of the podcast guests I had was Nolan Bushnell. Nolan Bushnell is the founder of Atari and Chuck E. Cheese. And he was also Steve Jobs’ mentor. And so I’m like, okay, cool. I have to ask a question about Steve Jobs, because he’s going to tell a really interesting story, which he did on the podcast. So it’s some really interesting stories about him interacting with Steve Jobs.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (16:13):
But one of the stories that he tells is, and this comes with doing a little bit of research and knowing your guests. If I didn’t know some of the stuff I wouldn’t know to ask. But I asked him, I found out, I listened to his book. And he said in his book that Steve Jobs offered him 33% of Apple for $50,000. And so I wanted to hear the story of why he said no to that. If you think about that, he would probably be the world’s richest person right now if they took that deal. So I wanted him to tell a really fun story about… That was interesting to me and probably other people about that. And so that is something, again, I can point people towards that and go, “Listen. Listen to that. He talks about that story in the interview, on Inspired Insider, check it out.” And people will check it out.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (17:08):
But it’s about the story. Okay. So that’s the third thing. So create dream 100. Two, reach out to that dream 100 with a give. And the give in this situation would be a podcast. And then third is actually creating that amazing content. And the fourth is to what I call, give loop. You’re building your give loop, which means now you put it out there. You put it out there, you distribute it. And the nice thing about a podcast is you put it across… Like this is going to go across like 15 different channels. So this one conversation is going to be, if you asked me to write something, Tom, okay. I would probably have written one blog post over the past 10 years. But I have produced two to three episodes a week for almost 10 years, which is a blog post, which goes on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify and the social media channels.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (18:10):
That’s going out to the masses. So this is where you are also furthering the thought leadership of that guest and that person by putting it everywhere. And in the same sense, you’ll grow your reach, like we talked about the subscribers. People will find out about you. When you put this episode out and you put it on LinkedIn, I’ll share it, I will comment on it. And when I share it, my whole network sees it and will learn about Tom and his podcast and what he’s doing. And so it builds that cycle of giving and both people win in that situation. And then the fifth thing is how do you turn your podcast into profits? Okay. And basically it’s about… I’m making a couple assumptions, Tom. I’m making the assumption that the person has an actual business.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (19:04):
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (19:05):
This is not the business of podcasting. They have an actual business. The people you deal with, they have actual businesses. They may have franchises.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (19:12):
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (19:12):
And it’s very simple. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it’s very simple. How do you really turn your guests into real relationships? And that’s what we’re talking about. And from all the stuff we stated, that’s one way. You have them on, you build a relationship with them, you profile them, you push their stuff out, you just are giving to them the whole way through. And then you just continuously give to them. And it’s really about… That’s what it’s about. It’s like, how do you give as much as humanly possible to those people? I probably send out five to 30 introductions every single day for the people in my network.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (19:55):
So I’m always looking at ways to give to people. And as my network grows, my network’s network grow. Because I’m like, oh, cool. I just met someone that needs to talk about franchising. I introduce them to Tom, because I know that’s what he specializes in. So it just happens. And that’s really kind of the core five things that people should think about when they’re starting a podcast. But even if you’re not, if you go through these steps, I guarantee you’ll find value in just thinking about your dream 100, thinking about how to reach out to them in a giving fashion and then continuously give to your relationships.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (20:32):
Yeah, no, thank you. That’s amazing. And look, to your point about the relationships, we were connected through a common client, through John Rayyan, who has been a guest on the podcast. And then he got us connected together. And here you are the podcast and we’re talking and you’re sharing… I thought, this is perfect. A lot of clients have asked, “Hey, how do you start up a podcast?” I said, “Well, I’m not a podcast expert.” I do one, but I would not say I’m an expert. I said, “We got to have Jeremy on and have you talk about it.” So it furthers exactly what you’re saying right there. I mean, how we all came together.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (21:13):
Exactly. Big shout out to John Rayyan. Love him. He’s just a ball of energy. People should check out that episode too.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (21:22):
Yeah. And I’ll make sure to list the link to it in the show notes for John’s episode. He was early on in the first 10 episodes, I believe, that we did. And then in terms of the Nolan Bushnell story here. So to get the conclusion, where should the audience go to listen to that episode?
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (21:45):
Yeah. You could go to inspiredinsider.com, which is my podcast. Under Rise25, we have a couple internal podcasts, which is John Corcoran, my business partner, co-founder, Smart Business Revolution. Mine is inspiredinsider.com. Because both our podcasts predate… We both have been podcasting for over 10 years. And so they predate even us… That’s how we met actually. I joke around, Tom, I say, all good things lead back to a podcast. Check out inspiredinsider.com and you can check out Nolan Bushnell. It looks like he’s a mad scientist in a basement with all sorts of contraptions around him. It’s a really interesting episode.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (22:30):
Cool. Well, thank you for sharing that. Jeremy, now’s as good a time as any to transition into our little formula for the show. We ask every guest the same four questions before they go. And the first question is to share with us an idea of a miss that maybe happened at some point in your career, or maybe personally or something and what you learned from it?
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (22:54):
Yeah, this is, I mean, misses every single day. I don’t even know where to start with the misses. But I think the entrepreneurial journey is ups and downs. But when I think about misses, I think of helping people that don’t want help. They really don’t. And they’re not saying they don’t want to help, but they really don’t want help. And I just think that’s a big miss on my part. I need to be better reading people, not trying to help them if they aren’t looking for help or don’t need help. I kind of default to wanting to help. And the reason that’s a miss is because the most valuable thing we have is time. And when I am trying to help someone who really is kind of sending me the signals that they don’t want help. There is a friend of mine that was really asking, even asking for help about their business ideas.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (23:54):
And I was getting on the phone with them, helping, helping, helping. But I realized is the signals were… Is always in what’s the action people are taking. And we kept having the same conversation over and over, and there was no action being taken. And finally, it took me… I’m a slow learner, Tom. It took me a little while to be like, I don’t want to continue to have the same conversation if you’re not going to take action on any of this. It’s just a waste of both of our time. It’s a waste of your time. It’s a waste of my time. And so that’s just something of wasted time.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (24:27):
I thought when I first started a podcast, Tom, I would have the foremost podcast on productivity in the world. Because I geek out on productivity tools, software, technology, methods. And after interviewing like six people, I was like, okay, this is… I need to go. It’s the same thing I need to branch out. But that was a total, I just need to recognize it early. So I consider it a big miss. Anything that’s going to waste time, both people’s time, is a big mess in my mind.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (25:00):
Well, thank you. Yeah. Thank you. And let’s flip on the other side. We like asking the miss because it’s not something you hear all that often from folks to share that. And a lot of times, I think you learn so much from the trials or the trouble points or pain points. Let’s talk about a make or two. You’ve had quite a decorated career, so would you mind sharing a make or two along the way?
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (25:27):
Yeah, I think for me, makes always involve relationships. And specifically finding the right mentors has been a make. I remember I went on this path of interviewing some of the top direct response marketers and copywriters in the world, because it’s something I think is a foundation for everything, and I wanted to really learn from the experts and actually implement in my business and career and life. And so I remember interviewing Brian Kurtz, who has now become a friend, a mentor, and there’s many more than that. But that is one that sticks out is like just someone that is total giver mentality and who I want to be more like, and I respect. We were able to form a great friendship and become colleagues. Whenever he has a conference or whatever products, I will be the first one to get them. So that has been huge, because the most valuable thing is getting advice from people who have been there, done that and having those people on speed dial.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (26:49):
Yeah. No, thank you. And what about an idea of the multiplier? Is there a multiplier that you’ve used for your own growth, business growth, that you can share with the audience?
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (27:03):
Yeah. I talked a little bit about this. When I think about multipliers, I think of like, how do you actually multiply? Franchising is a great way to multiply. But for me, multiplying is partnering. And how do you partner with people because rising… That’s how I chose rise. We want to rise in the name, because rising tide lifts all boats. And partnering has been a huge multiplier because I’m bringing my relationships to the table. The other person’s bringing theirs. And we both rise up together. Finding ways to partner with like-minded people, with possibly like-minded clients is really, I have found to be the biggest multiplier. And just like I mentioned, referring… Just sending introductions to people and partnering with people.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (27:59):
Interesting. Well, and that’s a great background on the name. Where does the name come from? You gave a little bit for rise, the first part. Where’s 25 come from?
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (28:09):
Yeah. Rise, the rising tide lift all boats. Rise.com was taken. We tried to contact them. I don’t know if we even received a response. And really one of our clients said, “I feel like with you guys, I have more time in the day. I have like 25 hours instead of 24.” And so that’s kind of what stock. Is like, oh, first of all, numbers are easy to get a domain, easier. So we’re like, yeah. We’re people’s 25th hour. Give them the extra hour of the day or feels like it. And that’s where Rise25 came from.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (28:45):
That’s really cool. That’s really, really neat. The last question we like to ask every guest is what does success mean to you?
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (28:59):
Yeah, that’s a great question. I am historically terrible at some of these these aspects, but it is, I forgot the saying. I’m going to butcher it, Tom. You may know what I’m talking about. But if you take someone who’s healthy, they have a bunch of problems. If you take away their health, they have only one problem. And so the first thing is what’s most important and most important is health of ourselves, our families. And then we can worry about doing what we want to do when we to do it, is as part of it. But I say I’m historically bad because my sleep habits are terrible. I eat pretty healthy and everything like that. So I hired a coach like six months ago to keep me accountable every month to doing those.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (29:56):
So I’ve been much better historically. But that is, I think success is really first, health wellbeing. And then next is when we think of success and then it’s not just monetarily, but it’s actually the health of our families. And then after that is really just doing what we want to do when we want to do it and having kind of that financial or that independence that we can have with being our own boss, I guess you could say.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (30:29):
Is there anything that you wanted to make sure you shared or were able to communicate that you haven’t had a chance to say yet?
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (30:43):
No. I think my only thing I’ll say is I listened to episodes of your podcast. People should check out more episodes of your podcast. People can check out inspiredinsider.com for those various guests and topics. And if you have questions you can always email and contact us on rise25.com.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (31:03):
Well, yeah. That would be great. So rise25.com. I think that if you’re thinking about getting into podcasting and you’re saying, “Boy, I don’t have the time. I don’t know where to start. I just don’t know what to do, but I know there’s a way to compliment my business.” Jeremy and his partner and his company with Rise25 are a great option for you to consider. And at least a great starting point to start fact-finding and getting some information, which is one of the main reasons we wanted to have you on as a guest. You’re a great resource for people to start this process through.
Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Rise25 (31:39):
Tom, thank you for having me.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (31:41):
Jeremy, thank you again so much for being a guest on our episode and for sharing how to create a podcast on our podcast. So grateful for that. Thank you. So let’s jump into our three key takeaways. The first key takeaway is why Dr. Jeremy Weisz was here, was to talk about creating a podcast. So he and his partner had five things at their company that they like to start with when you launch a podcast. So whether you do this on your own, work with their company, or figure it out, here are those five things he said. Number one, create a dream 100 list. Number two, reach out to that dream 100 list. Number three, create a great production. Four, create a give loop. And five, turn your podcast into profits. Figure out how to monetize it for your business. And I found it interesting when he said that it’s probably unlikely that you end up in that top 1% of podcasters.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (32:38):
Maybe you do. Maybe that happens and you’re able to make a fortune from advertising dollars. But if that’s not you, then how do you do it? So I thought those were all great takeaways. Number two, I really liked when he talked about trying to not help people who don’t want to help themselves. And I know I’ve had that happen to me. You probably have as well too. Where you’ve been asked for help from people, and you’re giving advice, and your time, really the time is the valuable component there. And then that person ends up not following through. They’re not taking the actions to do it. And you feel like you’re kind of spinning your wheels. So he said he’s been trying to do better at avoiding those situations. I thought that was really a great takeaway. And number three, finding the right mentors. He talked a lot about mentors. So I thought that was a great takeaway. And now it’s time for today’s win-win.
Tom DuFore, Big Sky Franchise Team (33:46):
Today’s win-win is really one of my favorite sayings of all time. And it just happens to be one of the foundational components to where Jeremy came up with the name for his business. It’s the part of rise, that word rise, and where he said, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” And I love that. It’s one of my favorite things. It’s really a growth mindset, an abundance mindset or mentality that there is so much opportunity, so much for all parties to take from, and to be a part of that we can all collectively grow together. So that’s our episode today, folks. Thanks for being here. Please remember if you’re at a point where you’re ready to start talking about franchising your business, or take it to the next, give us a call over a Big Sky, bigskyfranchiseteam.com. We’d be happy to give you a free consultation. Please like and subscribe to the podcast. And we look forward to having you join us again next week.